Catalogue Entry: First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, Eagle Plains Aeromagnetic...
This map of the first vertical derivative of the magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by EON Geosciences Inc. in the period...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Drillhole Locations - 250k
Core viewing and rock sawing facilities are available Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To see information on the status of our drill core program and download forms for... -
Catalogue Entry: Fire Management Zones
Fire management zones help guide how wildfires are prioritized and managed and show where wildfires may be used to achieve ecological objectives. Zones are based on relatively... -
Catalogue Entry: Cultural Features Polygon - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Cultural Area Features. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data... -
Catalogue Entry: First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, Aeromagnetic Survey of the...
First Vertical Derivative of the Magnetic Field, Aeromagnetic Survey of the Frances Lake Area, Yukon, NTS 105-A/10 and parts of 105-A/6, 7, 9, 11 -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Lots for sale
This application allows users to locate Yukon lots that are currently for sale by Yukon government.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Railroads - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Railroads -
Catalogue Entry: Contaminated sites information
Application for showing information about contaminated sites in Yukon-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: CMI Water Quality Sampling Sites
The Fish Habitat Management System for Yukon Placer Mining replaced the Yukon Place Authorization (YPA) in 15 Yukon watersheds on April 11, 2008. Founded on principles of... -
Catalogue Entry: Enhanced interpretation of stream sediment geochemical data for NTS 105G
New geochemical data from re-analysis of archived stream sediment samples have been assessed using weighted sums modeling and catchment basin analysis as described in the... -
Catalogue Entry: Flight Lines 1971 to 1980
Location of flight lines of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flight line index maps . Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government... -
Catalogue Entry: Ice and Snow - 250k
1:250,000 NTDB Permanent Snow and Ice -
Catalogue Entry: Yukon Whole Rock Pb-Nd-Hf-Sr and Feldspar Pb Isotope Compilation
This compilation includes published Nd, Hf, Sr and Pb (plus minor O, S and C) isotopic data from 1722 whole-rock powders and feldspar separates. About 1200 of these samples are... -
Catalogue Entry: Total magnetic field, Eagle Plains Aeromagnetic Survey, NTS 116 G (north half), Yukon
This map of the total magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by EON Geosciences Inc. in the period between April 10, 2009 and...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Oil and Gas Request for Postings - 50k
Represent the competitive Yukon Oil and Gas Rights disposition process governed by the Yukon's Oil and Gas Act and administered by Government of Yukon. The disposition process... -
Catalogue Entry: Places - 1M
Place locations captured at 1:1,000,000 scale using Digital Chart of the World (DCW) datasets as the base for the Yukon and surrounding area. Place locations were captured using... -
Catalogue Entry: Residual total magnetic field, Northern Stevenson Ridge Aeromagnetic Survey,...
This map of the residual total magnetic field was derived from data acquired during an aeromagnetic survey carried out by Goldak Airborne Surveys during the period May 16, 2009...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Historical mineral claims - 50k
Expired or lapsed quartz claims, placer claims, placer prospecting leases and coal leases & licenses are moved to this layer if new mineral tenure are staked in the same... -
Catalogue Entry: Air photo locations 1971 to 1980
Location of centre points of Yukon aerial photographs. Data was produced from heads up digitization of paper flightline index maps Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of... -
Catalogue Entry: Cultural Features Annotation - 10k
1:10K Cultural Annotation