Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Career Transition Program - September 2016
The Career Transition Services (CTS) Program evaluation was conducted in accordance with Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC) approved Multi-Year Risk-Based Evaluation Plan 2012-17.... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Health Care Benefits and Services...
This evaluation of the Health Care Benefits and Services Program was conducted in accordance with Veterans Affairs Canada's (VAC) approved multi-year, risk-based Evaluation Plan... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada New Veterans Charter (NVC) Evaluation – Phase III -...
On April 1, 2006, the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (the New Veterans Charter) came into force. The New Veterans Charter (NVC) was... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Review of the Adequacy of Corporate Risk Management...
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) is in the process of implementing risk management with the goal of it becoming a natural part of Departmental culture. Ensuring effective learning... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Financial Benefits Program - September 2016
The evaluation of the Financial Benefits Program was conducted in accordance with the Veterans Affairs Canada Multi-Year Risk-Based Evaluation Plan 2014-19. The program was last... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Delegate Decision-Making Audit - December 2013
In 2011, Veterans Affairs Canada initiated a five-year Transformation Agenda to respond to the changing needs and expectations of the Veteran population. The goal was to... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Hearing Loss Decisions - December 2014
The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Disability Benefits Program provides eligible Veterans and other qualified individuals with benefits under the Pension Act and the Canadian... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Veterans Independence Program Reimbursements Process...
Since 1981, Veterans Affairs Canada has administered a community-based, national program to eligible Veterans, their families, and other primary care-givers. These services... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of Salute! - October 2011
In accordance with the Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation Plan (2011 -2016) approved by the Departmental Evaluation Committee, the Audit and Evaluation Division was tasked with... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Internal Audit of Residential Care, Queen Elizabeth...
In the approved 2008-2011 Audit and Evaluation Plan, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) identified the Residential Care Program at Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building (CHVMB) for... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Quebec District Office - October 2010
As part of the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of service delivery, a cyclical audit was conducted to review the activities of the Quebec District Office (DO), the management... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Service Standards - July 2012
Treasury Board, which sets the guidelines for all government departments in Canada, defines a service standard as "a public commitment to a measurable level of performance... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Responsibility Centre Phase II Audit - April 2011
Veterans Affairs Canada has 60 points of service or responsibility centres, including regional and district offices that provide a wide range of services and programs. District... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Community War Memorial Program -...
The evaluation of the Community War Memorial Program (CWMP) was conducted to address the requirement for full evaluation coverage, as per the Financial Administration Act and... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Commemoration Division...
This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Partnerships Contribution Program (PCP), which covers the period between April 2008 and March 2011. This evaluation... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Audit of Healthcare Professional Service Contracts -...
Healthcare professional service contractors are individuals with “significant training, qualifications and expertise in a professional field.” With the support of Public Works... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada New Veterans Charter (NVC) Evaluation - Phase II -...
The New Veterans Charter (NVC) represents the most sweeping change to Veterans’ benefits and services in the past 60 years. The NVC shifts the focus from one of disability to... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of Commemorative Benefits and Services -...
The Evaluation of Commemorative Benefits and Services was conducted in accordance with Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC) approved Multi-Year Risk-Based Evaluation Plan 2012-17 and... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the War Veterans Allowance Program - March 2014
The War Veterans Allowance (WVA) Program, which began in 1930, provides monthly financial support to low-income war service Veterans and civilians (e.g., Overseas Welfare... -
Catalogue Entry: Veterans Affairs Canada Evaluation of the Residential Treatment Clinic for...
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess both the relevancy and performance of the Residential Treatment Clinic for Operational Stress Injuries (RTCOSI - hereinafter referred...