Catalogue Entry: Youth Dependency Ratio by Country 2015-2019 (Percent)
Ratio of total (national) population aged below 15 years to the population aged between 15 and 64 years (expressed as number of dependents aged below 15 out of 100 persons of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Proportion of Urban Population Living in Slum Households by Country or Area...
The share of urban population living in slum households per country and region, based on 4 out of 5 household shelter deprivations defined by UN-Habitat as indicators of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban Population Living in Slums (Thousands)
Total estimated urban population living in slum households per country and region, based on 4 out of 5 household shelter deprivations defined by UN-Habitat as indicators of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Urban Population at Mid-Year by Country/ Area 2000 - 2050 (Thousands)
Total estimated population living in urban areas based on national urban definitions-
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Catalogue Entry: SGD Indicator 11.7.1 provision and access to open spaces in cities 2020
SDG Indicator 11.7.1: Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities. The indicator is...-
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Catalogue Entry: SDG Indicator 11.2.1 Percentage Access to Public Transport
SDG Indicator 11.2.1: Proportion of the population that has convenient access to public transport disaggregated by age group, sex, and persons with disabilities. This indicator...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population with Improved Water, Sanitation and Other Urban Basic Services in...
Proportion of population with access to various basic services including improved water services, improved sanitation facilities, clean energy for lighting, energy for cooking,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population with Improved Water, Improved Sanitation and Other Urban Basic...
Proportion of population with access to various basic services including improved water services, improved sanitation facilities, clean energy for lighting, energy for cooking,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Population in Urban Agglomerations 2000 - 2035 (Thousands)
Total estimated population for urban agglomerations which had a population of 300,000 or more in 2018. "Urban agglomeration" as the unit of measurement follows a diversity of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of Population at Mid-Year Residing in Urban Areas
Share of estimated population living in urban areas based on national urban definitions at Mid-Year (out of total population at mid-year)-
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Catalogue Entry: Mean Population Exposure to PM2.5 (Micrograms/m3), 2015 - 2019
Mean population exposure to particulate matter with a width of 2.5 microns or less in micrograms per cubic meter, presented by country and sub-national region levels. Data is...-
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Catalogue Entry: Elderly Dependency Ratio by Country 2015-2019 (Percent)
Ratio of total (national) population aged 65+ years to the population aged between 15 and 64 years (expressed as number of dependents aged 65+ out of 100 persons of working age...-
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Catalogue Entry: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Urban Population by Country 2000-2050 (Percent)
Average exponential rate of growth of the urban population over a given period. It is calculated as ln(UPt/UP0)/n where n is the length of the period and UP is the urban...-
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Catalogue Entry: Average Annual Rate of Change of the Percentage Urban Population by Area...
Average exponential rate of change of the percentage urban over a given period. It is calculated as ln(PUt/PU0)/n where n is the length of the period and PU is the percentage...-
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Catalogue Entry: Annual Rate of Population Change of Urban Agglomerations 1995 - 2035 (Percent)
The annual rate of population change for urban agglomerations which had a population of 300,000 or more in 2018. "Urban agglomeration" as the unit of measurement follows a...-
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