Catalogue Entry: Participant guide
Guide to help with logistical details for the 2019 Open Government Partnership Global Summit that took place from May 29-31, 2019 in Ottawa. Content includes: - Summit Agenda -... -
Catalogue Entry: Supplementary Estimates (A) 2019-20
Supplementary Estimates are part of the normal parliamentary approval process to ensure that previously planned government initiatives receive the necessary funding to move them...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2017-18 Departmental Results Reports
Part III of the Estimates consists of two documents: Departmental Plans (DPs) and Departmental Results Reports (DRRs). Departmental Plans are forward-looking documents that...-
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Catalogue Entry: Supplementary Estimates (B) 2019-20
Supplementary Estimates are part of the normal parliamentary approval process to ensure that previously planned government initiatives receive the necessary funding to move them...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Distribution and workforce availability estimates of public service of...
The distribution and workforce availability estimates of public service of Canada employees by designated employment equity group among Executives-
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Catalogue Entry: New Indeterminate Hires in the Core Public Administration in the 2018 to...
The number of new Indeterminate Hires in the Core Public Administration in the 2018 to 2019 fiscal year, by age-
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Catalogue Entry: Percentage of federal institutions that nearly always communicate in...
Extracted from the 2017-18 Reviews on Official Languages, the dataset shows the answers by federal institutions to two questions related to their offices designated bilingual...-
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Catalogue Entry: GC Mainframe strategy
This strategy provides an overview of the status of mainframe as a technology across other sectors of industry and then looks at their usage within the GC. It will present the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Open Government Partnership Global Summit 2019 Indigeneous Report
This report was independently prepared by Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue and First Peoples Group. The purpose is to provide a summary of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Open Government Partnership Global Summit 2019 Call for Proposals
An export from Canada's Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit 2019 website. This document was shared publicly as an open call for session proposals and speakers. -
Catalogue Entry: Open Government Partnership Global Summit 2019 Sponsorship Guide
An export from Canada's Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit 2019 website. This document was shared publicly to potential sponsors to give them more information about... -
Catalogue Entry: Open Goverment Partnership Global Summit 2019 Frequently Asked Questions
An export from Canada's Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit 2019 website. This document lists frequently asked questions that provided partipants relevant... -
Catalogue Entry: Supplementary Estimates (A) 2020-21
Supplementary Estimates are part of the normal parliamentary approval process to ensure that previously planned government initiatives receive the necessary funding to move them...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Committee of the Whole President of the Treasury Board 2019-20 Supplementary...
Parliamentary Committee Appearance Binder for Jean-Yves Duclos, President of the Treasury Board, at the Committee of the Whole on the Supplementary Estimates (A) 2019-2020.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Briefing Books for the President of the Treasury Board of Canada
Transition Binder for the November 20, 2019 appointment of Jean-Yves Duclos as President of the Treasury Board-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Briefing Books for the Minister of Digital Government
Transition Binder for the November 20, 2019 appointment of Joyce Murray, Minister of Digital Government-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Appearance before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government...
Parliamentary Committee Appearance Binder for Jean-Yves Duclos, President of the Treasury Board, for the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates on the...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Committee of the whole sitting of the House of Commons COVID-19: Government Response
Parliamentary Committee Appearance Binder for Jean-Yves Duclos, President of the Treasury Board, for the Committee of the Whole on March 24, 2020 - Special sitting of the House...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: 2019 Public Service Employee Survey
The 2019 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) administered by Advanis, on behalf of the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada. The 2019 Public... -
Catalogue Entry: Consultation on the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, Regulatory Reconciliation...
From November 4 to December 4, 2017, the Government of Canada consulted Canadians on ideas for reconciling regulations across Canada where differences impose greater costs on...