Catalogue Entry: Credit market summary table at book value, national balance sheet accounts
This credit market summary table presents quarterly national balance sheet account book value data, by category. -
Catalogue Entry: Financial indicators of households and non-profit institutions serving...
Quarterly debt to gross domestic product, debt to disposable income and other indicators, for the household sector and the non-profit institutions serving households sector, by... -
Catalogue Entry: Financial indicators of corporate sector, national balance sheet accounts
Quarterly total debt to equity and credit market debt to equity for private non-financial corporations. -
Catalogue Entry: Financial indicators of general government sector, national balance sheet accounts
Quarterly gross and net debt to gross domestic product for federal and other levels of general government. -
Catalogue Entry: Household sector credit market summary table, seasonally adjusted estimates
Quarterly financial flows and stocks of household credit market debt, consumer credit, non-mortgage loans, and mortgage loans, on a seasonally adjusted basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Estimated areas, yield, production, average farm price and total farm value...
Estimated areas, production, yield, average farm price and total farm value of principal field crops. -
Catalogue Entry: Industrial capacity utilization rates, by industry
Quarterly data, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). -
Catalogue Entry: Sales of fuel used for road motor vehicles, annual
Sales of fuel used for road motor vehicles (net and gross gasoline sales and net diesel sales). -
Catalogue Entry: Vehicles and charging stations owned by Canadian households
Types of vehicles, and types and number of charging stations owned by Canadian households. The data are from the Households and the Environment Survey. -
Catalogue Entry: Internet access by type of Internet connection, industry, and size of enterprise
Percentage of enterprises using specific connection types to access the Internet by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. -
Catalogue Entry: Information and communication technologies used by industry and size of enterprises
Percentage of enterprises that use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. ICT... -
Catalogue Entry: Reasons for not using the Internet by industry and size of enterprise
Percentage of enterprises that do not use the Internet for specific reasons by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. -
Catalogue Entry: Types of web presence by industry and size of enterprise
Percentage of enterprises with certain types of web presence by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. Web presence refers to... -
Catalogue Entry: Reasons for not having a web presence by industry and size of enterprise
Percentage of enterprises that do not have a web presence for specific reasons by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. -
Catalogue Entry: Online interactions with the Canadian federal government by industry and...
Percentage of enterprises performing specific activities over the Internet to interact with the Canadian federal government by the North American Industry Classification System... -
Catalogue Entry: Online orders received and purchases made for goods and services, by...
Percentage of enterprises that receive orders or make sales of goods or services over the Internet, and percentage of enterprises that order goods or services over the Internet,... -
Catalogue Entry: Gross sales made over the Internet by industry and size of enterprise
Average gross sales made over the Internet and average percentage of total gross sales made over the Internet by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and... -
Catalogue Entry: Online sales to specific regions by industry and size of enterprise
Percentage of enterprises that make online sales to customers located in specific regions by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of online sales obtained from specific regions by industry and...
Percentage of online sales obtained from customers located in specific regions by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise. -
Catalogue Entry: Enterprises that offer employees the option to telework by industry and size...
Percentage of enterprises that offer employees the option to telework by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of enterprise.