Catalogue Entry: Environmental practices businesses or organizations have in place, third...
Environmental practices businesses or organizations have in place, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business... -
Catalogue Entry: Environmental practices businesses or organizations plan to implement over...
Environmental practices businesses or organizations plan to implement over the next 12 months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment... -
Catalogue Entry: Liquidity and access to liquidity over the next three months, third quarter of 2024
Liquidity and access to liquidity over the next three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business... -
Catalogue Entry: Business or organization plans to apply for debt financing, third quarter of 2024
Business or organization plans to apply for debt financing, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business... -
Catalogue Entry: Ability for the business or organization to take on more debt, third quarter of 2024
Ability of the business or organization to take on more debt, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business... -
Catalogue Entry: Business' or organization's level of confidence in making its debt payments...
Business' or organization's level of confidence in making its debt payments in full and on time, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment... -
Catalogue Entry: Percentage of workforce anticipated to work on-site or remotely over the...
Percentage and average percentage of workforce anticipated to work on-site or remotely over the next three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS),... -
Catalogue Entry: Future outlook over the next 12 months, third quarter of 2024
Future outlook over the next 12 months, by percentage ranges, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business... -
Catalogue Entry: Spending by foreign residents travelling in Canada by country of residence,...
This table presents information on tourism spending of foreign visitors in Canada by country of residence, tourism region and spending category. Country of residence is... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account, trade in services by...
Quarterly data on international trade in services by principal trading partners. -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account, investment income, by...
Canada's international investment income covers direct investment income, portfolio income, and other investment income. Quarterly data are further broken down between interest,... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account and capital account, quarterly
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Canada's... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account, seasonally adjusted, quarterly
Canada's current account covers international transactions in goods, services, compensation of employees, investment income and secondary income (current transfers). Quarterly... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account, goods, quarterly
Canada's international trade in goods are available by category based on the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS). Data are also available for 6... -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in services, by category, quarterly
Canada's international trade in services are available by category. Quarterly data are presented with and without seasonal adjustments. -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, current account, goods by principal...
Quarterly seasonally and not seasonally adjusted data on international trade in goods by principal trading partners. -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment...
Canada's international flows on Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in Canada. Quarterly data are available by type of direct investment flows for... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, flows of Canadian direct investment...
Canada's international flows on Canadian direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in Canada. Quarterly data are available by type of direct investment flows and... -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, Canadian chartered bank transactions in...
Canadian chartered bank transactions in assets and liabilities booked in Canada with non-residents. Quarterly data are available by assets, liabilities, and net flows. -
Catalogue Entry: Balance of international payments, direct investment conceptual...
Quarterly data of the balance of international payments on asset liability and directional direct investments presentations, at market value.