Catalogue Entry: Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture and export markets, by product...
Data on the shipments of various fertilizers such as ammonia, urea ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, etc. to Canada's Eastern provinces, the Prairie provinces, the United... -
Catalogue Entry: Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture markets, by nutrient content...
Data on fertilizer shipments within Canada by nutrient content such as nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur. -
Catalogue Entry: Ownership type of residential property owners by residency status and number...
Data on the number of residential property owners and their assessment value by ownership type, residency status and number of properties owned. As well as data on the number of... -
Catalogue Entry: Legal type and industry of business and government owners of residential property
Data on the number of business and government owners of residential property, and the total assessment value of the properties they own, by legal type, industry and the number... -
Catalogue Entry: Single and multiple residential property owners: Demographic data and value...
Data on resident owners who are persons occupying one of their residential properties: sex, age, total income, the type and the assessment value of the owner-occupied property,... -
Catalogue Entry: Total family income and characteristics of residential property owners by family type
Data on total family income and characteristics of resident owners who are persons occupying one of their residential properties and filed their T1 tax return form: sex, age,... -
Catalogue Entry: Single and multiple residential property owners by immigration characteristics
Data on resident owners who are persons occupying one of their residential properties: immigration characteristics (immigration status, period of immigration, admission... -
Catalogue Entry: Ownership type and property use by residential property type and period of...
Residential property estimates by geography, property type, period of construction, property use and ownership type. -
Catalogue Entry: Residency ownership and property use by residential property type and period...
Residential property estimates by geography, property type, period of construction, property use and residency ownership. -
Catalogue Entry: Residential property buyers: Demographic data, first-time home buyer status,...
Data on resident buyers who are persons that purchased a residential property in a market sale and filed their T1 tax return form: number of and incomes of residential property... -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial rents services price index, monthly
Commercial rents services price index (CRSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Monthly data are available from January 2006 for the total index and from... -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial rents services price index, quarterly
Commercial rents services price index (CRSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quarterly data are available from the first quarter of 2006 for the total... -
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation operating statistics, by type of service, Canadian air...
Quarterly civil aviation operating statistics (passengers, goods carried (kilograms), passenger-kilometres, passenger tonne-kilometres, goods tonne-kilometres, total tonne-... -
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation operating statistics, by sector, Canadian air carriers,...
Quarterly civil aviation operating statistics (passengers, goods carried (kilograms), passenger-kilometres, passenger tonne-kilometres, goods tonne-kilometres, total tonne-... -
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation financial statistics, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II,...
Quarterly civil aviation financial statistics (total, operating revenue for scheduled and charter services both separately and combined, passenger revenue and goods revenue for... -
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation financial performance indicators, Canadian air carriers,...
Quarterly civil aviation financial performance indicators (operating ratio, operating profit margin and profit margin), for Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II combined. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Civil aviation productivity measures, Canadian air carriers, Levels I and...
Quarterly civil aviation productivity measures (operating revenue per employee and tonne-kilometres flown per employee), for Canadian air carriers, Levels I and II combined. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Cattle and calves, farm and meat production
Cattle and calves, farm and meat production, Canada (head unless otherwise noted). Data are available on an annual basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Hogs, sheep and lambs, farm and meat production
Hogs, sheep and lambs, farm and meat production, Canada (head unless otherwise noted). Data are available on an annual basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Number of sheep and lambs on farms
Number of sheep and lambs on farms, Canada and provinces (head x 1,000). Data are available on an annual basis.