Catalogue Entry: Short-form data quality indicators for instruction in the minority official...
Data on short-form data quality indicators for 2021 Census content on instruction in the minority official language for residents of Quebec, census divisions and census... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by age and...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language, age and gender for the population of children in private households in Canada, provinces and territories,... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by age and...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language, age and gender for the population of children in private households in Canada, provinces and territories,... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by detailed...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language, detailed eligibility criteria and linguistic characteristics for the population of children in private... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by detailed...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language, detailed eligibility criteria and linguistic characteristics for the population of children in private... -
Catalogue Entry: Primary or secondary schooling in an English school in Canada by number of...
Data on primary or secondary schooling in an English school in Canada, number of years of primary or secondary schooling and mother tongue for the population of Quebec in... -
Catalogue Entry: Primary or secondary schooling in French in Canada by type of French program...
Data on primary or secondary schooling in French in Canada, type of French program attended and mother tongue for the population outside of Quebec, in private households in... -
Catalogue Entry: Type and level of French program attended and number of years of primary or...
Data on type and level of French program attended, number of years of primary or secondary schooling in a regular French program in a French-language school and mother tongue... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by criteria of...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by detailed eligibility criteria and single or multiple response indicator for the population of children... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian domestic export concentration
Canadian domestic export concentration, by destination market, product and province of production. Users have the option of selecting a concentration ratio as well as an index... -
Catalogue Entry: International merchandise trade by Broad Economic Categories and top sixty...
International merchandise trade data aggregated by codes of the Classification by Broad Economic Categories Rev. 5 (BEC Rev. 5). Users have the option of selecting imports and... -
Catalogue Entry: International merchandise trade, by commodity, price and volume indexes, annual
International merchandise trade price and volume indexes, grouped by North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) section. Users have the option of selecting Imports or... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian international merchandise trade by country and by product section,...
Annual data on Canadian international merchandise trade by trading partner and product on a customs basis. Trade data for 255 trading partners are included with an all country... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian international merchandise trade by principal trading partner, and...
Annual data on Canadian international merchandise trade by principal trading partner and product on a customs basis. Trade data for 27 trading partners are included with an... -
Catalogue Entry: Canadian international merchandise trade by province and country, and by...
Annual data on Canadian international merchandise trade by province, trading partners and products on a customs basis. Trade data for 255 trading partners are included with an... -
Catalogue Entry: Architectural, engineering and related services price index, quarterly
Architectural, engineering and related services price index (AESPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quarterly data are available from the first quarter... -
Catalogue Entry: Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, domestic and imported, in cold storage, quarterly
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, domestic and imported, in cold storage, Canada and provinces (in tonnes). Data are available on a quarterly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Stocks of frozen and chilled imported meats, quarterly
Stocks of frozen and chilled imported meats, Canada (in tonnes). Data are available on a quarterly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Private sector business counts by majority ownership, second quarter of 2024
Private sector business counts by majority ownership, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business, business activity and... -
Catalogue Entry: Business or organization obstacles over the next three months, second quarter of 2024
Obstacles faced by the business or organization over the next three months, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), business employment size, type of business,...