Catalogue Entry: Innovation activities conducted, by industry and enterprise size
Percentage of enterprises that conducted specific innovation activities, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size, based on a one-year... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for employing personnel outside of Canada, by industry...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for employing personnel outside Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important, very important or not... -
Catalogue Entry: Businesses that moved activities from outside of Canada into Canada, by...
Percentage of enterprises that moved activities from outside Canada into Canada, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size, based on a... -
Catalogue Entry: Business activities that were moved from outside of Canada into Canada, by...
Percentage of enterprises that moved specific business activities from outside Canada into Canada, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing production of goods activities to Canada,...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing production of goods activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important, very... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing distribution and logistics services...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing distribution and logistics services activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important,... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing call and help centre services activities...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing call and help centre services activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important or... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing marketing and sales services activities...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing marketing and sales services activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important or... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing information and communication technology...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing information and communication technology (ICT) services activities to Canada were not at all important,... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing professional services activities to...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing professional services activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important or very... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing engineering and research and development...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing engineering and research and development (R&D) services activities to Canada were not at all important,... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing general management services activities to...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing general management services activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important or... -
Catalogue Entry: Importance of reasons for bringing all other business activities to Canada,...
Percentage of enterprises for which specific reasons for bringing all other business activities to Canada were not at all important, somewhat important, important or very... -
Catalogue Entry: Main market of the business, by industry and enterprise size
Main market of the business by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and enterprise size. Main market is the geographic region from which the business... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial and territorial natural resource indicators, Natural resources...
Output, nominal and real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), international exports and imports, interprovincial trade, and number of jobs in the core natural resources sector for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial and territorial natural resource indicators, Downstream natural...
Output, nominal and real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), international exports and imports, interprovincial trade, and number of jobs in the downstream natural resources sector... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by collapsed...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language and collapsed criteria of eligibility accounting for parents’ citizenship for the population of children in... -
Catalogue Entry: Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language by collapsed...
Data on eligibility for instruction in the minority official language and collapsed criteria of eligibility accounting for parents’ citizenship for the population of children in... -
Catalogue Entry: Instruction in the minority official language of eligible school-aged...
Number of eligible children aged 5 to 17 years who attended or who never attended an English-language school for residents of Quebec or a French-language school for residents of... -
Catalogue Entry: Short-form data quality indicators for instruction in the minority official...
Data on short-form data quality indicators for 2021 Census content on instruction in the minority official language for residents of Canada outside of Quebec, provinces and...