Catalogue Entry: Aircraft movements, by geography, airports with NAV CANADA services and...
Monthly aircraft movements (itinerant and local) by province and territory for airports with NAV CANADA towers or flight service stations and other selected non-NAV CANADA... -
Catalogue Entry: Domestic and international itinerant movements, by geography, airports with...
Monthly itinerant movements (domestic, transborder and other international) by province and territory, for airports with NAV CANADA towers or flight service stations and other... -
Catalogue Entry: Stocks of specified dairy products
Stocks of specified dairy products, Canada and provinces (in tonnes). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Supply and disposition of milk products in Canada
Supply and disposition of milk products in Canada (in tonnes). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Cash receipts from milk and cream sold off farms
Cash receipts from milk and cream sold off farms, Canada and provinces (in dollars). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Production of selected butter products
Production of selected butter products, Canada and provinces (in tonnes). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Production of selected dairy products
Production of selected products, by dairy manufacturers, Canada and provinces (tonnes unless otherwise noted). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Milk production and utilization
Milk production and utilization, Canada and provinces (in kilolitres). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial sales of milk and cream
Commercial sales of milk and cream, Canada and provinces (in kilolitres). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Production of butterfat
Production of butterfat (kilograms x 1,000), Canada and provinces. Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Production of concentrated milk products
Production of concentrated milk products, Canada and provinces (in tonnes). Data are available on a monthly basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Experimental estimates for business openings and closures for Canada,...
This table presents experimental counts of businesses that open, close, or continue their operations each month for various levels of geographic and industry detail across... -
Catalogue Entry: Experimental estimates for business openings and closures by employment size...
This table presents experimental counts of businesses that open, close, or continue their operations each month for various levels of geographic and industry detail across... -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, by place of residence of mother
Number of live births, by place of residence of mother (Canada, province or territory, and outside Canada) and place of occurrence (Canada, province or territory, and the United... -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, by age of mother
Number and percentage of live births, by age group of mother, 1991 to most recent year. -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, by month
Number and percentage of live births, by month of birth, 1991 to most recent year. -
Catalogue Entry: Mean age of mother at time of delivery (live births)
Mean age of mother at time of delivery, 1991 to most recent year. -
Catalogue Entry: Crude birth rate, age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rate (live births)
Crude birth rates, age-specific fertility rates and total fertility rates (live births), 2000 to most recent year. -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, by marital status of mother
Number and percentage of live births, by marital status of mother, 1991 to most recent year. -
Catalogue Entry: Live births, by age group and marital status of mother
Number and percentage of live births, by age group and marital status of mother, 1991 to most recent year.