Catalogue Entry: Mother Tongue of Married Spouse or Common-law Partner (10) and Mother Tongue...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (9), Major Field of Study -...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006 - Volume I, The Classification
The Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) is Statistics Canada's official classification of geographic areas in Canada. The SGC provides unique numeric codes for three... -
Catalogue Entry: Age and Sex Highlight Tables: Population by broad age groups and sex, census...
Provides information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography. -
Catalogue Entry: Income Statistics (17), Occupation - National Occupational Classification...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Immigrant Status and Period of Immigration (11), Major Field of Study -...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 1996
The Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) is Statistics Canada's official classification of geographic areas in Canada. The SGC provides unique numeric codes for three... -
Catalogue Entry: Charitable Giving in Canada - Infographic
This infographic describes results on giving from the 2013 General Social Survey (GSS) on Giving, Volunteering and Participating. The purpose of this survey is to collect data... -
Catalogue Entry: Knowledge of Aboriginal Languages (90), Knowledge of Languages: Single and...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Mother Tongue (10), Language Spoken Most Often at Home (10), Other...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Economic Insights
Articles in the Economic Insights series highlight issues related to the growth and development of Canada's economy. In some cases, these articles synthesize the results of... -
Catalogue Entry: Population, Dwellings and Households (8) of Canada, Provinces and...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Aboriginal Identity (9), Major Field of Study - Classification of...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Low-income Cut-offs (2), Individual Low-income Status (5), Household Living...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Type of Dwelling Highlight Tables: Occupied private dwellings by structural...
Provides information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography. -
Catalogue Entry: Place of Work Status (5), Industry - North American Industry Classification...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Status (8), Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (7), Major...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Aboriginal Language Spoken at Home (90), Single and Multiple Responses of...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating - Infographic
This infographic describes results on volunteering from the 2013 General Social Survey (GSS) on Giving, Volunteering and Participating. The survey was undertaken to better... -
Catalogue Entry: Place of Work Status (5), Industry - North American Industry Classification...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content...