Catalogue Entry: Film and video distribution, industry profile
Profile of the film and video distribution industry, for Canada, x 1,000,000, available every two years. -
Catalogue Entry: Retail services price index, monthly
Retail services price index (RSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Monthly data are available from January 2008. The table presents data for the most... -
Catalogue Entry: Retail services price index, quarterly
Retail services price index (RSPI) by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quarterly Data are available from first quarter 2008. The table presents data for... -
Catalogue Entry: Wholesale services price index, monthly
Wholesale services price index (WSPI) measures monthly margin price movement for Canadian merchant wholesalers, classified according to the North American Industry... -
Catalogue Entry: Wholesale services price index, quarterly
Wholesale services price index (WSPI) measures quarterly margin price movement for Canadian merchant wholesalers, classified according to the North American Industry... -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing...
The commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing services price index measures the changes in the prices of rental and leasing activities for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing...
The commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing services price index measures the changes in the prices of rental and leasing activities for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Monthly average foreign exchange rates in Canadian dollars, Bank of Canada
This table contains 27 series, with data starting from 1981 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, number of cases and charges by type of decision
Adult criminal courts, charges and cases by offence, age and sex of accused and type of decision, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions, five... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, cases by length of elapsed time
Adult criminal courts, type of case by offence, age and sex of accused and length of elapsed time, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions,... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, cases by median elapsed time in days
Adult criminal courts, type of case by offence, age and sex of accused and median elapsed time in days, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by type of sentence
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence, age and sex of accused and type of sentence, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions,... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by most serious sentence
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence, age and sex of accused and most serious sentence, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by length of custody
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence, age and sex of accused and length of custody, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by mean and median length of custody
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence and mean and median length of custody, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions, five... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by length of probation
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence, age and sex of accused and length of probation, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by mean and median length of probation
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence and mean and median length of probation, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions, five... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by amount of fine
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence, age and sex of accused and amount of fine, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions,... -
Catalogue Entry: Adult criminal courts, guilty cases by mean and median amount of fine
Adult criminal courts, type of guilty finding by offence and mean and median amount of fine, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions, five... -
Catalogue Entry: Youth courts, number of cases and charges by type of decision
Youth courts, charges and cases by offence, age and sex of accused and type of decision, Canada, provinces, territories, ten jurisdictions and eight jurisdictions, five years of...