Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions in Canadian...
Canada's international transactions in securities cover portfolio transactions in Canadian and foreign securities. Monthly data on sales, purchases and net flows are available... -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions in Canadian...
Monthly data on Canada's international transactions securities in Canadian bonds by type of issuer and type of transaction. -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions in Canadian...
Monthly data on Canada's international transactions securities in Canadian bonds are available by currency of issue and type of transaction. -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions in Canadian...
Monthly data on Canada's international transactions securities in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of transaction. -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, portfolio transactions in foreign...
Monthly data on Canada's international transactions securities in foreign bonds cover sales, purchases and net flows by currency of issue. -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, loans under repurchase agreements,...
Monthly data on Canada's international transactions in securities in loans under repurchase agreements. Transactions are available for sales, purchases and net flows by assets... -
Catalogue Entry: International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian...
Monthly data of Canada's international investment position on foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds and Canadian money market instruments, at book value and market... -
Catalogue Entry: International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian...
Monthly data on Canada's international investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds and Canadian money market instruments, by currency, by sector, at book... -
Catalogue Entry: International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian...
This table contains 28 series, with data for years 1991 - 2017 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following... -
Catalogue Entry: Passenger bus and urban transit statistics, by the North American Industry...
Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), selected provinces and... -
Catalogue Entry: Passenger bus and urban transit statistics, by Urban transit agency
Canadian passenger bus and urban transit industries, total revenue and total passenger trips by Urban transit agency, selected Canadian Urban transit agencies, monthly. -
Catalogue Entry: Business enterprise payments made and received for intellectual property and...
This table contains 140 series, with data for years 2014 - 2015 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the... -
Catalogue Entry: Business enterprise payments made and received for intellectual property and...
This table contains 1500 series, with data for years 2014 - 2015 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following... -
Catalogue Entry: Financial market statistics, as at Tuesday, Bank of Canada
This table contains 8 series, with data starting from 1992 (not all combinations necessarily have data for all years). This table contains data described by the following... -
Catalogue Entry: International transactions in securities, net portfolio transactions in...
Monthly data on international transactions in securities, net portfolio transactions in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American... -
Catalogue Entry: International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian...
Monthly data on international investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian equity and investment fund shares by type of instrument, by North American Industry... -
Catalogue Entry: New issuances of securities by type of use of proceeds and by industry, monthly
Information on new issuances of securities by type of use of proceeds and by industry. The use of proceeds includes for merger and acquisition, exploration, for research and... -
Catalogue Entry: Higher Education Research and Development Estimates, by funding sector and...
Provincial estimates of research and development expenditures in the higher education sector, by funding sector and type of science by provinces, from 2000 to today. -
Catalogue Entry: Surveying and mapping services, summary statistics
The summary statistics by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include: operating revenue (dollars x 1,000,000), operating expenses (dollars x 1,000,000),... -
Catalogue Entry: Surveying and mapping services, industry expenditures
The operating expenses by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which include all members under industry expenditures, for surveying and mapping services (NAICS...