Catalogue Entry: Multiple jobholders by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of multiple jobholders by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Multiple jobholders by usual hours worked at all jobs, monthly, unadjusted...
Number of multiple jobholders by usual hours worked at all jobs and main job, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Job tenure by type of work (full- and part-time), monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employed persons by job tenure, type of work (full- and part-time employment), sex, and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Job tenure by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employed persons by job tenure, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and sex, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Unemployment by type of work sought and search method, monthly, unadjusted...
Number of unemployed persons by type of work sought and seach method, sex and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Employee wages by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Average hourly and weekly wage rate, and median hourly and weekly wage rate by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), type of work, sex, and age group, last 5... -
Catalogue Entry: Employee wages by job permanency and union coverage, monthly, unadjusted for...
Average hourly and weekly wage rate, and median hourly and weekly wage rate by permanent and temporary employees, union coverage, sex, and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Employment by establishment size, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employees by establishment size, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex, and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Union coverage by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employees covered and not covered by a union, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex, and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Job permanency (permanent and temporary) by industry, monthly, unadjusted...
Number of permanent and temporary employees by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Employees working overtime (weekly) by industry, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employees working overtime (weekly) and average overtime hours by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Supplementary unemployment rates, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Supplementary unemployment rates by sex and age group, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force characteristics by immigrant status, three-month moving...
Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by immigrant status... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force characteristics of immigrants by sex and age group, three-month...
Number of immigrants in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by sex, age group... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force characteristics of immigrants by educational attainment,...
Number of immigrants in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by educational... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force characteristics of immigrants by country of birth, three-month...
Number of immigrants in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by country of... -
Catalogue Entry: Weekly wage distributions by type of work, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employees by weekly wage distributions, type of work, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and sex, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Hourly wage distributions by type of work, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of employees by hourly wage distributions, type of work, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and sex, last 5 months. -
Catalogue Entry: Labour force characteristics by educational degree, monthly, unadjusted for...
Number of persons in the labour force (employment and unemployment) and not in the labour force, unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment rate, by educational... -
Catalogue Entry: Hours lost by reason of absence, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality
Number of hours lost by employees, by reason of full and part week absence and sex, last 5 months.