Catalogue Entry: Housing Highlight Tables: Housing suitability by housing tenure, for Canada,...
Provides information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography. -
Catalogue Entry: Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (15), Major Field of Study -...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (9), Major Field of Study -...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Income Sources and Taxes (16), Income Statistics (4) in Constant (2015)...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: 2012 Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use - Infographic
This infographic describes some results of the Digital Technology and Internet Use survey of 2012. It measures the use and adoption of various digital technologies, including... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Status (8), Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (15), Major...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Selected Demographic, Cultural, Educational, Labour Force and Income...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Immigration and ethnocultural Highlight Tables: Immigrant status and period...
Provides information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography. -
Catalogue Entry: Aboriginal Identity (9), Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (11), Income...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: First Official Language Spoken (7), Language Spoken Most Often at Home...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Dwelling Condition (4), Tenure (4), Period of Construction (12) and...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Census Profile - Age, Sex and Type of Dwelling for Census Metropolitan...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Province or Territory of Residence 1 Year Ago (14), Current - Province or...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Low-income Cut-offs (2), Individual Low-income Status (5), Household Living...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Juristat
This publication provides in-depth analysis and detailed statistics on a variety of topics and issues related to justice and public safety. Topics include crime, victimization,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Age and Sex Highlight Tables: Population by broad age groups and sex, for...
Provides information highlights by topic via key indicators for various levels of geography. -
Catalogue Entry: Census Profile - Age, Sex and Type of Dwelling for Designated Places, 2016 Census
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Labour Force Status (8), Visible Minority (15), Immigrant Status and Period...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Language Used Most Often at Work (8), Other Language(s) Used Regularly at...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content... -
Catalogue Entry: Structural Type of Dwelling (10), Tenure (4), Condominium Status (3),...
This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content...