Catalogue Entry: Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, Shared Services...
Briefing materials prepared for the Honorable Joyce Murray, Minister Responsible for Shared Services Canada, Before the Standing Committee on the Government Operations and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information 2020 (Info Source)
Info Source: Sources of Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Data Strategy
The Shared Services Canada (SSC) Data Strategy will deliver a departmental vision for data: a direction to drive maximum value out of the data already existing in SSC...-
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Catalogue Entry: Executive Vice-President's Speaking Points at CANDEV Data Challenge
This document contains the speaking points for Shared Services executive vice-president, Sarah Paquet. The speaking points are for the closing ceremony remarks provided by the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shared Services Canada Federal Partner Organizations
The list of federal departments for which Shared Services Canada is mandated to manage IT-infrastructure services related to email, data centres and telecommunications.-
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Catalogue Entry: Standard for Ethical Behaviour in Procurement – Contracts and Contracting
This Standard reflects SSC’s Organizational Code and is framed by the Financial Administration Act and the Federal Accountability Act. It consolidates the federal government’s...-
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Catalogue Entry: Standard for Ethical Behaviour in Workplace Solicitations, the Acceptance of...
The practice of soliciting, giving, and receiving donations, prizes, contributions, gifts, hospitality, and/or other benefits dates back centuries and is deeply rooted in human...-
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Catalogue Entry: Raison d’être, Mandate and Role
Who we are and what we do.-
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Catalogue Entry: 2017 to 2018 Fees Report
The 2017 to 2018 Fees Report is the first report to be prepared under the Service Fees Act. The Services Fees Act provides for annual detailed reporting to Parliament in order...-
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Catalogue Entry: Directive on Ethical Behavior
Based on the VECPS and in accordance with Section 6 of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, SSC developed its own Organizational Code in June 2013 to provide guidance...-
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Catalogue Entry: Organizational Code
The Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (VECPS) came into effect in April 2012 as an overarching guide for employees, to help clarify the role and expected behaviours...-
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Catalogue Entry: Audit of the Management of Customer Revenue Agreements
This audit examined the effectiveness of the processes for the establishment, management, and renewal of customer revenue agreements. The audit was approved by the President...-
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Catalogue Entry: Audit of Security Assessment and Authorization
The objective of this audit was to provide assurance that Security Assessment and Authorization reviews of IT systems and services are being conducted in accordance with a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Network Modernization Way Forward
This document presents way-forward strategies for Network Modernization within the Government of Canada. Shared Services Canada looks at how it can improve its Enterprise...-
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Catalogue Entry: Network and Security Strategy
SSC is refreshing its Network and Security Strategy to align with current best practices, and to be adaptable to future requirements for its network and security services.These...-
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Catalogue Entry: Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information
Info Source: Sources of Government and Employee Information provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government...-
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Catalogue Entry: Weather forecasts at your fingertips
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) approached us with an idea: give Canadians access to weather information on their mobile devices. We helped them find the best...-
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Catalogue Entry: Putting people first: Engineering students’ showcase highlights accessible technology
The Centre of Entrepreneurship and Engineering Design (CEED) at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Ottawa recently hosted a design showcase of engineering students’...-
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Catalogue Entry: Flood relief efforts
Ontario and Quebec residents impacted by floods needed that critical information on a daily basis to stay safe. SSC supercomputers processed weather-related data to help with...-
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Catalogue Entry: Bringing Service Lines to the Science Partners
At Shared Services Canada’s (SSC) inaugural Science Planning Session, representatives from the SSC service lines gave presentations on high performance computing, storage,...-
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