Catalogue Entry: High noise sector
High-noise sectors in the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Natural environment of interest
Natural areas of interest in the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Water levels during a flood (since 2017)
The Ministry of Public Security (MSP) supports the development of knowledge of flood risks. In collaboration with Laval University and the Reunification of Quebec Basin... -
Catalogue Entry: Unstructured island
Unstructured blocks of the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Area where breeding with a high odor load is prohibited
Areas where farms with a high odor load are prohibited in the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon... -
Catalogue Entry: Humid environment
Wetlands in the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Territory of ecological interest
Territories of ecological interest in the City of Trois-RivièresThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Median surface water hardnesses
This thematic layer represents the characterization of the hardness of surface water in Quebec. The hardness is presented according to the medians calculated from the... -
Catalogue Entry: Location of the cycling network called Route Verte
Bicycle network of the revised urban and development plan of the City of LavalThis third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon... -
Catalogue Entry: Protected or under protection indoor natural environment
This data set contains the polygons delimiting the protected or in the process of being protected indoor natural environments in the agglomeration of Montreal. It does not... -
Catalogue Entry: Neighborhood police stations on Montreal Island
This data set includes the address and geospatial coordinates of the neighborhood stations of the Montreal Police Department. See also the set [Boundary of police district post... -
Catalogue Entry: History of civil security events - Archives
Warning: as of June 2020, this dataset is no longer updated and has been replaced. Please see https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/evenements-de-securite-civile for... -
Catalogue Entry: Subsidized murals
For several years, the City of Montreal has supported the creation of exterior murals that are visible, creative and linked to their context. Through various programs, unified... -
Catalogue Entry: Heritage buildings classified by the Minister of Culture and Communications
The government, through its Minister of Culture and Communications, can classify a heritage asset, that is, a building, a site, a document, an object or a heritage complex. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Road collisions
List of collisions that have occurred in Montreal since 2012. This set shows collisions involving at least one motor vehicle traveling on the network and which were the subject... -
Catalogue Entry: Inventory of crash barriers and impact mitigators
The City of Montreal's Road Infrastructure Department (SIRR) is responsible for managing and maintaining restraint systems on its territory. Knowledge of the inventory of these... -
Catalogue Entry: Construction, transformation and demolition permits
This data set lists all permits issued to citizens by the boroughs of the city of Montreal for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building or property. More...