Catalogue Entry: 3D railways
Geometric and conventional representation of the rail system for planning purposes. This geospatial data is structured according to the following layers of information; - CARTO-... -
Catalogue Entry: Peat environments
Peatlands include information relating to peatlands defined as a wetland, colonized by vegetation allowing the formation of a soil made of peat that is the result of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Quality index of the shoreline of benthos monitoring stations
The Riparian Quality Index (IQBR) is used to assess the ecological condition of the shoreline environment. It is built from nine components that have been weighted according to... -
Catalogue Entry: Quebec building reference system
The Quebec building reference system consists of a continuous layer, created from a bird's eye view and presented in the form of vector polygons. This work is part of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Aggregates
Sand and gravel include information related to aggregate deposits.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Monitoring the quality of river and river water
The theme on physicochemical monitoring of rivers and rivers presents data from all stations in networks monitoring water quality in rivers in Quebec and the St. Lawrence River.... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest pricing zone
Territorial division used by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF) within which the market value of standing wood (VMBSP) calculated by the Wood Marketing Bureau... -
Catalogue Entry: Temporary sample plot from the second inventory
The temporary sample plot is a circular sample unit that covers an area of 400 m2 (the main unit). For each tree, we observe and measure the species, diameter, and stage in... -
Catalogue Entry: Airport
Specific location of airports, heliports, hydroaerodromes and aerodromes in Quebec; geometry, toponymy, code, etc.This third party metadata element was translated using an... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrogeological Information System (HIS)
The Hydrogeological Information System (HIS) contains the physical characteristics of wells and boreholes (location, depth, stratigraphy encountered, etc.) mainly from drilling... -
Catalogue Entry: Special intervention zone 2017-2019 (ZIS annex 2), period from 10 June to 15...
This layer presents the delimitation of the perimeter of the special intervention zone (ZIS) of the decree called “Declaration of a special intervention zone in order to promote... -
Catalogue Entry: Geochronology
Geochronology includes information pertaining to geochronology samples.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Management Unit (UG)
Provincial layer representing the administrative subdivision of Quebec territory for the purposes of government forest management. Quebec has 33 management units comprising... -
Catalogue Entry: Urban heat/freshness islands, temperature differences and urban heat island...
The data presented on this page concern the 2020-2022 mapping of temperature differences, the classification maps of these temperature differences (i.e. urban heat and freshness... -
Catalogue Entry: Road weather station
Data on the depth of freezing and thawing in road pavements managed by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MTMD). Since the 2008-2009 winter period, these data... -
Catalogue Entry: Road network - RTSS
The classified network (Highway, National, Regional, Collector, Collector, Local 1-2-3, Local 1-2-3, Access to resources and isolated locations) whose management is the... -
Catalogue Entry: Atlas of areas of conservation interest in the St. Lawrence Lowlands
Produced as part of the St. Lawrence Action Plan, the Atlas of Territories of Interest for Conservation in the St. Lawrence Lowlands shows the sites where conservation needs are... -
Catalogue Entry: Trucking network
Road segments from the Adresses Québec geobase including trucking attributes. Transit roads “Legend: Transit (permit)”: Roads that are authorized to access by any heavy vehicle.... -
Catalogue Entry: Road warning
Localization of warnings such as road and bridge closures or incidents preventing free passage on a road segment or structure.This third party metadata element was translated... -
Catalogue Entry: Thaw zone
Delimitation of thaw zones (zone 1-2-3) with regard to weight limitations on the road network. Please refer to the site for descriptive details (official dates, load...