Catalogue Entry: Harmonized 2021 census geography for Quebec
Geographic database containing the result of Statistics Canada's 2021 Census geography harmonization process. Harmonization is a process of editing geographic boundaries in... -
Catalogue Entry: Draft operational or special forest management plans submitted for public...
Operational Integrated Forest Management Plans (PAFIO) contain areas where wood harvesting and other forest management activities (e.g. non-commercial silvicultural work and... -
Catalogue Entry: Database on the ecological connectivity of natural environments in the St....
The purpose of the cartographic data resulting from analyses of the ecological connectivity of natural environments in the St. Lawrence lowlands is to equip users by making it... -
Catalogue Entry: Sampling stations for contaminants of emerging interest
This theme presents the location of samples of contaminants of emerging interest (CIE) carried out by the Directorate-General for Monitoring the State of the Environment (DGSEE)... -
Catalogue Entry: Harmonized 2016 census geography for Quebec
Geographic database containing the result of Statistics Canada's 2016 Census geography harmonization process. Harmonization is a process of editing geographic boundaries in... -
Catalogue Entry: Invasive exotic aquatic fauna in Quebec
#Description This database contains the coordinates of observations of fish and invertebrates, which are exotic and invasive, known by the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight... -
Catalogue Entry: Quebec addresses
Adresses Quebec is a road geobase that covers all of Quebec. It offers a complete road network including official names, addresses by slices and points, information for route... -
Catalogue Entry: Distribution areas of terrestrial mammals, reptiles, reptiles, amphibians,...
The data represent the distribution of species of amphibians, reptiles, reptiles, terrestrial mammals and freshwater and migratory fish in Quebec. The files represent:... -
Catalogue Entry: Lakes and Rivers Database (LCE)
This theme offers detailed information on lakes and waterways throughout Quebec. All the descriptors available in this layer come directly from the Lakes and Rivers (LCE)... -
Catalogue Entry: Integrated water management areas by watershed
Location and identification of the 40 integrated water management zones by watershed in southern Quebec.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated... -
Catalogue Entry: Habitat quality model (MQH) for short-eared owls in southern Quebec
This habitat quality model shows the probability of the presence of short-eared owls in southern Quebec during the nesting season. It is based on species presence data and a... -
Catalogue Entry: Harvesting and other silvicultural interventions
__The link: * Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset description sheets; Additional information__. The Harvest and other silvicultural interventions... -
Catalogue Entry: Management Unit Office (UG)
Local service points are the preferred communication channel for the main local clienteles with the minister's representatives. Staff provide forest services provided by the... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest vegetation vigor index based on satellite images
The link: Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset Description Sheets; Additional Information. The Forest Inventory Directorate of the Ministry of Natural... -
Catalogue Entry: Level curves
Level curves on the territory of Lévis. The equidistance is 50 cm, produced from a LiDAR survey carried out in May 2017.This third party metadata element was translated using an... -
Catalogue Entry: Electromagnetic anomalies
Electromagnetic anomalies represent anomalies resulting from aerial geophysical surveys.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool... -
Catalogue Entry: Quebec Hydrological Reference Framework (CRHQ)
Updated on May 17, 2022, the CRHQ is a cartographic tool that brings together ecological information and knowledge on aquatic ecosystems in Quebec to support decision-making. It... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest biomass and carbon in southern Quebec
The link: Access the data directory is available in the sectionDataset Description Sheets; Additional Information. The Directorate of Forest Inventories (DIF) carries out... -
Catalogue Entry: Zoning
Limits of the municipal zoning of the city of Lévis.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate). -
Catalogue Entry: Contaminated Land Directory (GTC)
The GTC System makes it possible to compile information on the records of land contaminated by industrial and commercial activities or by accidental spills. This is not an...