Catalogue Entry: Bibliographic Records for Government of Canada Publications (publications.gc.ca)
The Government of Canada Publications catalogue, publications.gc.ca, contains descriptive information (bibliographic records) for publications produced by Government of Canada... -
Catalogue Entry: Revenues, expenses and accumulated deficit, as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver General of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on Section 3 of Volume 1, presents (in... -
Catalogue Entry: Expenditures under statutory authorities, as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver General of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on Section 3 of Volume 1, presents (in... -
Catalogue Entry: Financial Position of Enterprise Crown Corporations and Other Government...
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on its Volume 1, provides a multi-year comparative analysis of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Financial Position of Consolidated Crown Corporations and Other Entities as...
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on its Volume 1, provides a multi-year comparative of the... -
Catalogue Entry: Borrowings by consolidated agent Crown corporations and enterprise Crown...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the related tables in Sections 4... -
Catalogue Entry: Contingent liabilities of consolidated Crown corporations and other entities...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the tables in Sections 4 and 9 of... -
Catalogue Entry: Financial assistance under budgetary appropriations to consolidated Crown...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the tables in Sections 4 and 9 of... -
Catalogue Entry: Consolidated specified purpose accounts as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. The consolidated specified purpose accounts are particular... -
Catalogue Entry: Transactions in the Employment Insurance Operating Account as per the Public...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the table in Section 4 of Volume 1,... -
Catalogue Entry: Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents the year-end balances for the accounts payable and accrued... -
Catalogue Entry: Summary of transactions in public sector pensions that resulted in charges...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the table in Section 6 of Volume 1,... -
Catalogue Entry: Aging of Taxes & Other Accounts Receivable as per the Public Accounts
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. These datasets present the aging for taxes receivable and... -
Catalogue Entry: Maturity and currency of borrowings by enterprise Crown corporations and...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset summarizes the maturity and currency of... -
Catalogue Entry: Contractual Obligations (information from Transfer Payment Agreements,...
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the Volume 1, Section 11, of the Public... -
Catalogue Entry: Non-financial assets; Vehicles & Assets under capital leases as per the...
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. These datasets present the non-financial assets, the... -
Catalogue Entry: Authorities for the Spending of Proceeds from the Disposal of Surplus Crown...
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset provides details, by ministry, of the source and disposition of... -
Catalogue Entry: Core responsibilities as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents the core responsibilities. -
Catalogue Entry: Transfer payments as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents the Transfer Payments. For each department or agency, subtotal... -
Catalogue Entry: Payments of Claims against the Crown as per Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the Volume 3 of the Public Accounts, provides a...