Catalogue Entry: Budgetary details by allotment as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset provides a distribution of budgetary appropriations by allotment as... -
Catalogue Entry: Debts, Obligations and Claims Written Off or Forgiven as per the Public...
At the end of each fiscal year, financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents debts, obligations and claims written off or forgiven. -
Catalogue Entry: Accountable Advances as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, the Receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents accountable advances which is... -
Catalogue Entry: Federal-Provincial Shared-Cost Programs as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents, by province and territory, and for each... -
Catalogue Entry: Commissions - General Information by Commission as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset present general information for each commission involved... -
Catalogue Entry: Commissions - Details of Travel and Living Expenses as per the Public...
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents the total travel and living costs paid to each... -
Catalogue Entry: Education Costs as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset, based on the Volume 3 of the Public Accounts, provides... -
Catalogue Entry: Return on Investments as per the Public Accounts of Canada
At the end of each fiscal year, government-wide financial information is published in the Public Accounts. This dataset provides details for the current year of the category of... -
Catalogue Entry: GCSurplus - What has Sold
GCSurplus, of Public Services and Procurement Canada, sells a wide selection of Government surplus assets to the general public. This dataset identifies all the items/assets... -
Catalogue Entry: Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
Briefing materials prepared for the Minister and Deputy Minister’s appearance before the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates-
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Catalogue Entry: Quarterly Usage Reports
Quarterly Usage Reports (QURs) provided to Public Service and Procurement Canada by suppliers on a quarterly basis, compiling and maintaining records on the provision of... -
Catalogue Entry: CanadaBuys contract history
This dataset contains the history of contracts awarded by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), published online since January 2009 on behalf of federal... -
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay - Program Management Committee
The Program Management Committee (PMC) is the formal accountable decision-making body for the Human Capital Management Office around HR and Pay. The PMC is co-chaired between... -
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay - Transparency by Design approach
Transparency by Design (TbD) is an approach to deliver on the goals of the Integrated Enterprise Strategy on Human Resources (HR) and Pay (the Strategy). The Strategy aims to... -
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay - Deputy Minister Sponsoring Group
The Human Resources (HR) and Pay Deputy Minister Sponsoring Group is a decisional governance body in support to the Business and Policy Owner, Treasury Board of Canada... -
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay - Client Contact Centre Phone Menu Redesign Project
The Client Contact Centre’s (CCC) phone menu was improved to address feedback regarding its path ambiguity, limited reporting capabilities, and client confusion resulting from... -
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay - Deputy Minister Sponsoring Group – Operational Pay Updates
The purpose of these presentations to the Human Resources (HR) and Pay Sponsoring Group is to provide an update on operational pay activities, including key accomplishments,...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay – Improvements to MyGCPay
Launched in 2019, MyGCPay has become an important tool for employees to view information about their pay and benefits. As a key tool in the Government of Canada, continuous...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay – AI Virtual Assistant
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has developed a “Virtual Assistant” pilot using artificial intelligence (AI) to help fix data discrepancies in pay and compensation...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: GC HR and Pay – Quarterly Update Events
Senior leadership within Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO) provide quarterly...