Catalogue Entry: Vol 36, No 8, August 2016 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 36, No 9, September 2016 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 8/9, October-November 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 7, September 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-12, December 1, 2016: Improving vaccination rates
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 5, July 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-11, November 3, 2016: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: Injuries in Canada, 2013
This data set includes statistics on injuries for all ages. The information is from the electronic database of the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program... -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-10, October 6, 2016: Emerging challenges of vector-borne...
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-9, September 1, 2016: Scientific writing
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-8, August 4, 2016: Current travel risks
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 1, March 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Volume 35, Supplement 1, Spring 2015 - Cancer incidence in Canada: trends...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 2, April 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: Vol 35, No 3, May 2015 - Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice (the HPCDP Journal) is the monthly, online scientific journal of the Health Promotion... -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-S2, March 17, 2016: Syrian refugees
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-3, March 3, 2016: Infectious Disease as Chronic Disease
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-4, April 7, 2016: Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-5, May 5, 2016: Zika Virus
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases. -
Catalogue Entry: CCDR: Volume 42-6, June 2, 2016: Rabies
The Canada Communicable Disease Report is a bilingual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on the prevention and control of emerging and persistent infectious diseases.