Catalogue Entry: Gulf Islands National Park Reserve: Total GHG Emissions of Forested Ecosystems
“Gulf Islands National Park Reserve – Total GHG Emissions” datasets consist of estimates of GHG emissions (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)) in...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Riding Mountain National Park: Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density
“Riding Mountain National Park - Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density” is the annual carbon density (tonnes carbon per hectare) within Riding Mountain’s forested ecosystems...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada Carbon Atlas Series: Carbon Dynamics in the Forests of National...
This report on the forest ecosystems of 31 predominantly forested national parks is the first in the Carbon Atlas series. Parks Canada has undertaken the development of a series...