Catalogue Entry: Situation of the Black Bear - La Mauricie
Sensitivity analyses indicate that a small drop in black bear survival rates greatly increases the risk of extinction in both females and males. Since the mortality rate of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Elk and moose populations - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park conducts an ungulate aerial surveys of the entire park, to census the elk and moose populations. The surveys are carried out in the late fall or winter...-
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Catalogue Entry: Amphibian occupancy - Elk Island
The Elk Island National Park annually monitors the change in amphibian occupancy by using call counts, including data collected by citizen scientists.-
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Catalogue Entry: Bison populations - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park annually conducts an aerial census of bison populations of the entire park, as well as opportunistically surveying herd composition. Bison population...-
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Catalogue Entry: Beaver abundance & distribution - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park measures beaver abundance and distribution every three years in the fall using aerial surveys to count beaver food caches.-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake water quality - Elk Island
The Elk Island National Park monitors the lake water quality annually in two lakes by measuring parameters such as: nutrients, heavy metals, major ions, physical...-
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Catalogue Entry: Avian diversity & abundance - Elk Island
Forest birds in Elk Island National Park are surveyed annually along 24 established routes, with 4 stations along each route. The stations are spaced 400-600 meters apart....-
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Catalogue Entry: Rangeland health assessments- Elk Island
The Elk Island National Park monitors the functions and health of grassland and forest ecosystems that are influenced by herbivory. This includes monitoring vegetation...-
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Catalogue Entry: Grassland primary productivity - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park monitors primary productivity to determine the health of grassland vegetation throughout the park. This measure relies on remotely-sensed multispectral...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest primary productivity - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park monitors primary productivity to determine the health of forest vegetation throughout the park. This measure relies on remotely-sensed multispectral...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest area burned - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park uses the Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC) method to evaluate the ecological impact of fire on the landscape and the success of utilizing fire to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Open water areal extent and distribution - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park monitors spatial changes to open water features throughout the park. This measure relies on an unsupervised classification of remotely-sensed...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest vegetation community areal extent and distribution - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park uses land cover classification to determine spatial changes of forest vegetation throughout the park. This measure relies on a supervised classification...-
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Catalogue Entry: Grassland vegetation community areal extent and distribution - Elk Island
Elk Island National Park uses land cover classification to determine spatial changes of grassland vegetation throughout the park. This measure relies on a supervised...-
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Catalogue Entry: Seabirds - Forillon
This set of data contains the results of the various breeding seabird inventories conducted at Forillon National Park. Seabirds are recognized as good indicators of the quality... -
Catalogue Entry: Beaver - Forillon
This dataset focuses on monitoring beaver colonies in Forillon National Park. Beavers have a major influence on aquatic ecosystems in the park. Monitoring fluctuations in this... -
Catalogue Entry: Pinnipeds - Forillon
This dataset covers the census of pinnipeds (harbour and grey seals) that frequent the waters of Forillon National Park. Grey and harbour seals are two top predators in the food... -
Catalogue Entry: Stream Temperature - Forillon
This dataset contains temperature data taken from 11 streams or rivers in Forillon National Park since 2008. Temperature data are collected hourly by a HOBO probe installed on... -
Catalogue Entry: Plant_phenology - Forillon
This dataset focuses on monitoring plant phenology. It serves to verify the variation in time of flowering and leafing dates of different species and to measure the impact of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Fish Communities - Forillon
This dataset covers electrofishing efforts in 11 streams or rivers in Forillon National Park since 2008. The abundance, size structure and condition of the fish in a brook trout...