Catalogue Entry: Carnivore situation - Forillon
This dataset covers the status of carnivores. It is known that some carnivores, such as the American marten (Martes americana), fisher (Pekania pennanti) and Canada lynx (Lynx...-
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Catalogue Entry: Moose_situation - Forillon
This dataset focuses on monitoring the status of the moose (Alces alces). Because of its position in the food chain and the impact that it can have on the composition and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest stands - Forillon
This dataset focuses on the status of forest stands and is used to monitor changes in this ecosystem, which makes up 95% of the Park. Considering the area’s history of logging,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Eelgrass Beds - Forillon
This dataset concerns monitoring of the Penouille eelgrass beds. Because of the ecological importance not only of eelgrass beds, but also of the animal communities they support,... -
Catalogue Entry: Benthic Invertebrate Communities - Forillon
This dataset covers the monitoring of benthic invertebrate communities in 11 streams or rivers in Forillon National Park since 2007. The sampling methods and techniques used for... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest_stands - Forillon
This dataset focuses on the status of forest stands and is used to monitor changes in this ecosystem, which makes up 95% of the Park. Considering the area’s history of logging,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Trends in coastal dynamics - Forillon
This dataset covers the monitoring of changes in coastal dynamics in Forillon National Park. This measure consists of three field measurements: the rate and extent of shoreline...-
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Catalogue Entry: Situation of the commercial lobster fishery - Forillon
This dataset covers the status of the commercial lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. Commercial lobster fishing activities within the administrative boundaries of Forillon...-
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Catalogue Entry: Stream Temperature - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Stream temperatures on third order streams in Cape Breton Highlands National Park are being monitored to determine if mean water temperatures are changing over time. When?...-
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Catalogue Entry: Moose Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands
What? An aerial wildlife population survey is used in Cape Breton Highlands National Park to estimate moose (Alces alces) population density. When? Monitoring frequency for this...-
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Catalogue Entry: Benthic Invertebrates - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Benthic macroinvertebrates are monitored in freshwater streams in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When? Monitoring frequency occurs annually in the fall of the year...-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Health Index - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Forest Health plots in the Boreal and Acadian land regions are being monitored in Cape Breton Highlands National Park to determine if any historical changes are occurring....-
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Catalogue Entry: Forest Salamander Abundance - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Eastern Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) abundance is being monitored at various old growth forest sites within Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When?...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Water Quality - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Water samples are being collected in various wetlands in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When? The monitoring frequency for wetland water quality is annually with...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Invertebrates (Ants) - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Wetland ecosystem condition is being monitored in Cape Breton Highlands National Park through invertebrate (ants) population sampling. When? Monitoring frequency for this...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wetland Pitcher Plants - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Changes in processes and stressors at bogs and poor fens in Cape Breton Highlands National Park are being monitored through Northern Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Salmonid Distribution (Electrofishing) - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Juvenile salmonid densities are being monitored in various rivers within Cape Breton Highlands National Park using electrofishing surveys. When? Monitoring frequency...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake Water Quality - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Water samples are collected in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in various freshwater lakes and streams. When? Water samples are taken in select park lakes biannually...-
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Catalogue Entry: Hydrological Quality Index - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Stream flow discharge is being monitored at the Robert’s Brook Gauge Station on the Chéticamp River in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. When? Hourly discharge...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lake Fish Health - Cape Breton Highlands
What? Lake fish health is being monitored in five lakes throughout Cape Breton Highlands National Park (Freshwater Lake, Warren Lake, Broad Cove Mountain Lake, Branch Pond, and...-
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