485 catalogues found

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  • Catalogue Entry: Northern Map Turtle - Georgian Bay Islands

    The park is developing a protocol to monitor Northern Map Turtles as they congregate to bask along rock outcrops and shorelines on Georgian Bay. The measure will be completed...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Stiff yellow flax- Georgian Bay Islands

    Stiff Yellow Flax (Linum medium var. medium) is considered as a representative shoreline species, its occurrence and presence are affected by water level fluctuations. The park...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Water Quality Index - Georgian Bay Islands

    GBI monitors water quality in coastal wetlands to report on nutrient loads resulting from human use of day-use areas. The park uses Water Quality Index to assess this measure -...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake Water Level - Georgian Bay Islands

    This measure tracks changes of the lake water level in the coastal ecosystem of GBINP. This is significant in driving ecological processes as well as acting as a stressor in the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Exotic and Invasive Aquatic Plant Abundance - Georgian Bay Islands

    Presence of exotic species often represents a level of disturbance in an ecosystem.The park samples invasive wetland plants along coastal transects, which include submerged...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Goose Terrestrial Assessment - Wapsuk National Park

    Wapusk National Park protects a vast landscape of coastal salt marshes, countless ponds, and a diversity of boreal-tundra interface habitats, and serves as staging areas for...
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  • Catalogue Entry: American Badger - Yoho

    American Badger (jeffersonii subspecies) observations from remote wildlife cameras and incidental observations reported in Yoho National Park between 2004. Each observation is...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Water Quality - Yoho

    A water quality monitoring station on the Yoho River at Yoho Crossing (and Kicking Horse River station near Field) are operated by Environment Canada in partnership with Parks...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Blister Rust - Yoho

    Whitebark pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is an introduced pathogen affecting whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Whitebark pine is an...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Area Burned - Yoho

    The Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC) measure is based closely on the fire cycle concept and assesses the degree of departure from historic or reference area burned levels...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Olive-Sided Flycatcher - Yoho

    Olive-sided Flycatcher observations from incidental observations and mortality data reported in Yoho National Park between 1981- 2017. Each observation is recorded by date,...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Lake Fish Index - Yoho

    The Yoho National Park measures the condition of lake fish communities by the level of deviation of current fish presence in a lake from historic, pre-stocking fish presence.
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  • Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Mortality - Yoho

    Vehicle-caused wildlife mortality and wildlife management destruction data for Yoho National Park between the years 2005 and 2017. Each species mortality is recorded by date,...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Alpine Non - Native Vegetation - Yoho

    Yoho National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, belt transects established in the alpine. Occurrence frequency of all detected...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Yoho

    Yoho National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, transects established in each of the three management zones, in close proximity...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Aquatic Frogs - La Mauricie

    Frogs, like all other amphibians, are declining all around the world, in both pristine and protected areas as well as suburban marshes bordered by highways. This decline is due...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Common Loon - La Mauricie

    The number of common loons and their breeding range have decreased significantly since the beginning of the century. There is concern about the number of breeding pairs and the...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Water quality situation - La Mauricie

    The effects of climate warming, eutrophication, air pollutant inputs and forestry activity that occurred before La Mauricie National Park was created influenced and continue to...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Moose and Wolf Abundance - La Mauricie

    Intensive tree cutting and certain silvicultural practices carried out around La Mauricie National Park have fragmented moose forest habitat. In addition, the eastern wolf plays...
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  • Catalogue Entry: Situation of medium-size carnivores - La Mauricie

    The American marten (Martes americana), fisher (Martes pennanti) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) are predators that have a prominent place in the food chain of the forests in...
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