Catalogue Entry: National Priority Areas of Ecological Corridors
Parks Canada’s National Program for Ecological Corridors was initiated to strengthen the network of protected areas across Canada through the creation of ecological corridors.... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada Carbon Atlas Series: Carbon Dynamics in the Forests of National...
This report on the forest ecosystems of 31 predominantly forested national parks is the first in the Carbon Atlas series. Parks Canada has undertaken the development of a series... -
Catalogue Entry: Pre-approved Routine Impact Assessments
Parks Canada’s Preapproved Routine Impact Assessments (PRIA) are approved environmental management and mitigation measures for defined classes of routine, repetitive projects or...-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada Carbon Atlas Series: Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Forested...
Total GHG emissions for 31 national parks were estimated using the Generic Carbon Budget Model (GCBM), a spatially explicit carbon budget model developed by Canadian Forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada Carbon Atlas Series: Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density of...
Total Ecosystem Forest Carbon Density was estimated for 31 national parks using the Generic Carbon Budget Model (GCBM), a spatially explicit carbon budget model developed by...