Catalogue Entry: Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance - Shrublands
The park monitors the population trends of Sage Grouse at leks within the park and on adjacent lands in the greater ecosystem. The actual measure is the sum of the maximum...-
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Catalogue Entry: Bison Abundance (CoRe)
Achievement of the population target of 400 +/- 100 individuals, which corresponds to Good ecological integrity. In order to maintain this target, the bison population is...-
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Catalogue Entry: Prescribed Fire (CoRe)
Area (hectares) treated with prescribed fire. This measure evaluates the success of the park’s fire program in restoring the ecological process of fire on the landscape level....-
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Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Mortality - Glacier
Glacier and Mount Revelstoke National Parks are bisected by a major national commercial highway (Hwy #1). Vehicle collisions with wildlife are a major stressor and have serious...-
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Catalogue Entry: Whitebark Pine - Glacier
Whitebark pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is an introduced pathogen affecting whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis). Whitebark pine is an...-
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Catalogue Entry: Invasive Alien Plants - Glacier
The main objective of the measure is to monitor how Invasive Alien Plant percent cover, a recognized stressor to native biodiversity, currently compares to pre-determined...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network - Glacier
Benthic macro-invertebrate diversity, stream hydrology, water chemistry, climate, geology, and landcover are collected at randomly selected sites using a standard protocol for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Area Burned Condition Class - Glacier
In an effort to assess the current state of wildland fire as an ecological process, the Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC) measure is designed to reflect modern-day deviations...-
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Catalogue Entry: Whitebark Pine Seed data - Glacier
Whitebark pine is considered a “keystone species” mountain national parks, as it plays several important ecological roles where it exists in subalpine environments. Its survival...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Mortality - Revelstoke
Glacier and Mount Revelstoke National Parks are bisected by a major national commercial highway (Hwy #1). Vehicle collisions with wildlife are a major stressor and have serious...-
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Catalogue Entry: Air Quality - Mount Revelstoke
This project measures air quality at an Environment Canada Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling (GAPS) station located at Miller Lake in Mount Revelstoke National Park....-
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Catalogue Entry: Subalpine Wildflowers - Mount Revelstoke
Subalpine wildflower meadows occur at high elevations in mountainous environments, and are characterized by spectacularly diverse and showy wildflower meadows interspersed with...-
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Catalogue Entry: Invasive Alien Plants - Mount Revelstoke
The main objective of the measure is to monitor how Invasive Alien Plant percent cover, a recognized stressor to native biodiversity, currently compares to pre-determined...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network - Mount Revelstoke
Benthic macro-invertebrate diversity, stream hydrology, water chemistry, climate, geology, and landcover are collected at randomly selected sites using a standard protocol for...-
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Catalogue Entry: Area Burned Condition Class - Mount Revelstoke
In an effort to assess the current state of wildland fire as an ecological process, the Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC) measure is designed to reflect modern-day deviations...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tundra Flowering Phenology Mingan
“PlantWatch” is a program where flowering times for selected plant species across Canada are recorded in order to observe the impact that changes in climate may have on...-
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Catalogue Entry: Coastal_Tern_Mingan_Number of nest_Data
Monitoring of the number of eggs and nests for the tern. Field data from 1992 to 2019. Many islands in the MANPRC are used by the terns for their nesting. The presence and great...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tundra_Eider_Mingan_Number of nest_Data
Monitoring of the number of eggs and nests for the common eider. Field data between 1988 to 2015. Many islands in the MANPRC are used by the common eider for nesting. The...-
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Catalogue Entry: Tundra_Gull_Mingan_Number of nest_Data
Monitoring of the number of eggs and nests for the Great black-backed and European herring gulls . Field data from 1996 to 2015. Many islands in the MANPRC are used by the Great...-
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Catalogue Entry: Parks Canada performance data (support) 2023_24
Support performance measurement for Parks Canada - 2023 24