Catalogue Entry: Station Location Wave Dataset
Deployment specifications for wave time series data collected at various locations throughout the waters of Nova Scotia by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s... -
Catalogue Entry: Early Childhood Education Training Institutions
A listing of training institutions within Nova Scotia providing accredited early education degrees and diplomas. -
Catalogue Entry: Geography - Operational Zones
A geographic representation of Public Work’s Operational Zones. Operational Zones are a subdivision of Management Area geography (which are a subdivision of District geography).... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Public School Contact Information
Public school mailing address, civic address, telephone, fax -
Catalogue Entry: Sexual Violence Prevention Youth Outreach Program
The Sexual Violence Prevention Youth Outreach Program is a community-based program that works to improve the immediate and long-term social, economic, educational and health... -
Catalogue Entry: Geography - Districts
A geographic boundary of Public Work's districts, which are used in allocating operational resources. Each district is managed by a District Director. Each district is divided... -
Catalogue Entry: Crown Land
A spatial dataset of all Crown lands in Nova Scotia. Crown lands are all or any part of the land under the administration and control of the Minister of Natural Resources and... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Utilities (Point Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the utilities theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography, and verified with field inspections.... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Roads, Trails and Rails (Poly Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with... -
Catalogue Entry: Schools Offering the Pre-primary Program
List of schools offering the Pre-primary Program -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Road Network (NSRN)
The Nova Scotia Road Network (NSRN) is the authoritative source for road centerlines in the province. This 3D coverage contains addressed roads and non-addressed roads and has... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic Database - Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), DTM is a vector data set of spot elevations collected from aerial photography. An elevation point is collected at ground... -
Catalogue Entry: Ferment on Premises Licensed Operators in NS
List of name of business, operating name, licensed as ferment on premises operators in NS pursuant to the Liquor Control Act -
Catalogue Entry: Annapolis County Water Quality Data
Oceanographic data from sensor strings deployed in Annapolis County as part of the Centre for Marine Applied Research's (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic Database - Delimiters (Poly Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database, the delimiter lines are obtained from various sources which could include Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Property... -
Catalogue Entry: Antigonish County Water Quality Data
Oceanographic data from sensor strings deployed in Antigonish County as part of the Centre for Marine Applied Research's (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program. -
Catalogue Entry: Cape Breton County Water Quality Data
Oceanographic data from sensor strings deployed in Cape Breton County as part of the Centre for Marine Applied Research's (CMAR) Coastal Monitoring Program. -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Day-use and Camping Park Entrances
A listing of Provincial Day-use and Camping Park Entrances coordinates. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Lake Chemistry Data
The Nova Scotia Lake Survey program is a partnership initiative between the Department of Environment and Climate Change and the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture to... -
Catalogue Entry: Surplus Crown Property Disposal - Computer Equipment
This category covers surplus computer equipment. In 1994 the Executive Council approved a plan that would have government embark on a program that would see all surplus...