Catalogue Entry: Department of Justice: Justice Centres/Courts
This dataset lists the location of Justice Centres/Courts throughout the province. -
Catalogue Entry: Correctional Services Custodial Facilities - Adults/Youth, and Correctional...
This dataset lists the location of provincial correctional facilities for youth and adults, and community corrections offices. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic Database - Delimiters (Line Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database, the delimiter lines are obtained from various sources which could include Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Property... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Lake Survey Lakes Locations
A shapefile of freshwater water bodies hat have been sampled as part of the Nova Scotia Lake Survey. The Nova Scotia Lake Survey program is a partnership initiative between Nova... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Mortgage Lenders licensed in Nova Scotia
[ARCHIVED] Amendments to the Mortgage Act came into effect Nov 1, 2021 which created new mortgage license types and a new public register of licensed mortgage brokerages,... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Public Library Branches and Contact Information
Location and contact information for public library branches and administrative offices in Nova Scotia. Includes civic address, phone and website information. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Marine Aquaculture Leases
File contains all issued marine aquaculture leases along the coast of Nova Scotia. Fisheries and Aquaculture also provides a mapping tool for this data at:... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic Database - Land Cover (Line Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the land cover theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Land cover is limited to treed areas over... -
Catalogue Entry: Industry Specialization based on Employment by Functional Economic Regions
The dataset provides information on industry specialization, industry structure and employment for Nova Scotia’s Functional Economic Regions. The data fields include: Functional... -
Catalogue Entry: Smallmouth Bass and Chain Pickerel Tournaments 2019
A list of all smallmouth bass and chain pickerel tournaments permitted under the Competitive Fishing Policy -
Catalogue Entry: 1:10,000 Nova Scotia Sub-Tertiary Watersheds
1:10,000 watersheds for Nova Scotia. Contains sub-tertiary watersheds. Also available via GeoNova at:... -
Catalogue Entry: Tourism Nova Scotia Listed Operators
GPS coordinates for operators that are listed on www.novascotia.com. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Community Health Network
Nova Scotia Community Community Health Networks are used for health service planning and research. Includes the following data fields: GIS_UID, GIS_SELECTED, GIS_HIDDEN,... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Provincial Ambient Ground-level Ozone (O3) Hourly Data Sable Island
Hourly ambient ground-level ozone (O3) data in parts per billion from provincial ambient air quality monitoring stations across Nova Scotia up to the end of 2014. -
Catalogue Entry: Onshore Petroleum Wells
Listing of petroleum wells drilled onshore in NS as of February 1, 2016. -
Catalogue Entry: Early Childhood Education Support Sites
A listing of Early Childhood Development Support Sites that provide information and resources as well as professional development opportunities for early childhood educators. -
Catalogue Entry: 1:10,000 Nova Scotia Secondary Watersheds
1:10,000 watersheds for Nova Scotia. Contains secondary watersheds. Also available via GeoNova at:... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Civic Address File - Civic Points
Province wide dataset of all physical locations which have been assigned a civic number by Municipalities and First Nations Communities. Data download also available via... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Roads, Trails and Rails (Road Line Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Roads, Trails and Rails (Line Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with...