Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Canadian Community Health Survey Sleeping 2001
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Census Long Form Ethnicity
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Health Statistics Morbidity by Cause 2003
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Agri-food Exporters
Nova Scotia based businesses with export capacity are identified in the Nova Scotia quality food and beverage export directory, identifying products and suppliers for interested... -
Catalogue Entry: Verotoxigenic E.coli
Overall counts and rates (per 100,000 population) of notifiable diseases reported in Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Totals
Tonnages landfilled (residential, ICI (industrial commercial, institutional) C&D construction demolition), in totals and per capita (383kg/person for NS for 2014/1%) -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Canadian Community Health Survey Preventative Behaviour 2001
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Examination Results by year and board - English 10
Provides examination results for Reading (scaled score and performance level) and Writing (performance level for four components of writing) for each year examination has been... -
Catalogue Entry: NS Deaths by Underlying Cause
Number of deaths by underlying cause broken down by sex for all of Nova Scotia -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Department of Justice - Perceived Safety from Crime when Walking...
This dataset provides data on the level of perceived safety from crime felt by Nova Scotians walking alone in their area at night and is based on a question included in the... -
Catalogue Entry: Annapolis County Wave Data
Wave time series data collected at various locations throughout the waters of Annapolis County by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture’s Aquaculture Division. -
Catalogue Entry: Tourism Nova Scotia Visitation
Number of non resident overnight visitors to Nova Scotia. The dataset is broken down by visitor origin and mode of entry to the province. Data is reported monthly. -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Health Statistics Injury Hospitalization Rates 2006-2009
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Aquaculture Employment 2006-2011
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Census Long Form Labour by Industry 1991 and 1996
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Bear Harvest Data
An extract from the departments Wildlife Resources System (WRS) bear hunting and snaring harvest data. -
Catalogue Entry: Atlantic Quarterly Summer 2017 Tobacco and Ecigarette Use
Data set is results of commissioned questions the Atlantic Quaterly omnibu public opinion survey conducted in August 2017. The questions relate to public opinion and behaviour... -
Catalogue Entry: Atlantic Quarterly Spring 2018 - DHW (Perception of Health Care)
The data set represents the results of commissioned questions in the public opinion survey conducted in May 2018 via Atlantic Quarterly, Corporate Research Associate’s omnibus... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] NHS Education by Location of Education
[ARCHIVED] Community Counts data is retained for archival purposes only, such as research, reference and record-keeping. This data has not been maintained or updated. Users... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Examination Results by year and board - Français 10
Provides examination results for Reading (scaled score and performance level) and Writing (performance level for four components of writing) for each year examination has been...