Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Civic Address File - Addressable Roads
The Civic Addressable Roads dataset is a road network that contains road geometry only where civic addressing exists. The dataset contains civic address information from the... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] DNR Burn Permit Office Locations
[ARCHIVED] The requirement for non-commercial burn permits has been discontinued. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic DataBase - Landforms (Spot Point Layer)
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the landforms theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography. Contours, spot elevations, Cut/fill locations... -
Catalogue Entry: Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network Station Locations
A shapefile of the Nova Scotia Automated Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network monitoring stations. The network was established in 2002 to assess near real-time water quality... -
Catalogue Entry: Spring Weight Restrictions - Exempt Roads
This dataset provides the spatial locations of provincial roads that are exempt from Spring Weight Restrictions as they are imposed. For the non-exempt roads please check... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Business Registration Unit Office Locations and Hours
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been superseded by Access Centres Office Locations & Hours (https://data.novascotia.ca/Public-Service/Access-Centres-Office-Locations-... -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Field Office Locations
Physical NRR field office locations. Data fields include: region; addresses (address1, address 2, address 3); province; postal [code]; county. -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Resources and Renewables Shooting Range Locations
Information provided in an excel spreadsheet of the GPS coordinate locations of the Shooting Ranges in Nova Scotia. -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Topographic Database - Designated Areas
Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the designated areas theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and field inspection. These areas... -
Catalogue Entry: Hospitals
The geographic locations of all hospitals in Nova Scotia by their civic address. -
Catalogue Entry: 1:10,000 Nova Scotia Tertiary Watersheds
1:10,000 watersheds for Nova Scotia. Contains tertiary watersheds. Also available via GeoNova at:... -
Catalogue Entry: Roundabouts
Roundabouts owned by the Province of Nova Scotia -
Catalogue Entry: Strengthening Fathers Program
Strengthening Fathers Programs provide holistic intervention and prevention services and supports for men who are or have been abusive in their intimate relationships. These... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Mortgage Brokers licensed in Nova Scotia
[ARCHIVED] Amendments to the Mortgage Act came into effect Nov 1, 2021 which created new mortgage license types and a new public register of licensed mortgage brokerages,... -
Catalogue Entry: Licensed Consumer Reporting Agencies in Nova Scotia
Businesses licensed to provide consumer reports for gain or profit -
Catalogue Entry: Active Condominium Corporations (Poly Layer)
Provincial listing of Active Condominium Corporation in Nova Scotia by County. -
Catalogue Entry: Ferry Schedules
Public Works operates seven ferries. All are links in our provincial highway system and include: Four cable ferries: LaHave - Lunenburg County; Country Harbour, Guysborough... -
Catalogue Entry: Boys and Girls Clubs of Nova Scotia
Boys and Girls Clubs of Nova Scotia provide quality after school and out-of-school programs to children and youth that support their healthy physical, educational and social... -
Catalogue Entry: Victim Services Offices
This dataset lists the location of Department of Justice victim services offices throughout the province. -
Catalogue Entry: Early Years Centres (EYC) Contact Information
Contact Information: Early Years Centres