Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Shelburne 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified Shelburne District 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified Hantsport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Antigonish 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified Antigonish 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Hantsport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Shelburne District 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network
The Nova Scotia Hydrographic Network is an enhanced version of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database's Water Features theme. This dataset includes network spines for connectivity... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Antigonish 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Shelburne 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Hantsport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified New Glasgow 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified Lockeport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Eskasoni MiKmaw Nation 2012
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Lockeport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud Ground Classified Pictou County 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Eskasoni MiKmaw Nation 2012
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Shelburne District 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia 1m DEM Lockeport 2013
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to... -
Catalogue Entry: [ARCHIVED] Nova Scotia Lidar Point Cloud All Hits Pictou County 2014
[ARCHIVED] This dataset has been archived as it is no longer able to be provided in this manner. For a more current version of this elevation dataset, please refer to...