Catalogue Entry: Renewable Energy Power Plants, 1 MW or more - North American Cooperation on...
Stations containing prime movers, electric generators, and auxiliary equipment for converting mechanical, chemical into electric energy with an installed capacity of 1 Megawatt... -
Catalogue Entry: Refineries - North American Cooperation on Energy Information
Facilities that separate and convert crude oil or other feedstock into liquid petroleum products, including upgraders and asphalt refineries. Mapping Resources implemented as... -
Catalogue Entry: North American Cooperation on Energy Information, Mapping Data
Mapping Resources on energy infrastructure and potential implemented as part of the North American Cooperation on Energy Information (NACEI) between the Department of Energy of... -
Catalogue Entry: Solar Resource, NSRDB PSM Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) - North American...
Average of the hourly Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) over 17 years (1998-2014). Data extracted from the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) developed using the Physical... -
Catalogue Entry: Border Crossings: Natural Gas Pipeline - North American Cooperation on...
Border crossings of natural gas pipelines. Mapping Resources implemented as part of the North American Cooperation on Energy Information (NACEI) between the Department of Energy... -
Catalogue Entry: Natural Gas Processing Plants - North American Cooperation on Energy Information
Facilities designed to recover natural gas liquids from a stream of natural gas. These facilities control the quality of the natural gas to be marketed. Mapping Resources... -
Catalogue Entry: Solar Resource, NSRDB PSM Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) - North...
Average of the hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) over 17 years (1998-2014). Data extracted from the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) developed using the... -
Catalogue Entry: National Railway Network - NRWN - GeoBase Series
The National Rail Network (NRWN) is a geometric and attributive description of the Canadian rail network. The NRWN product consists of the features classes: Track Segment,... -
Catalogue Entry: Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Total live above-ground biomass in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Merchantable forest volume in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Hemlocks (Genus Tsuga) in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Maples (Genus Acer) in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Broad-leaved species in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Tree Crown Closure in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Cedars (Genus Thuja) in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Composition across Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Total forest volume in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: True Firs (Genus Abies) in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest... -
Catalogue Entry: Spruces (Genus Picea) in Canada 2006
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) sampling program is designed to support reporting on forests at the national scale. On the other hand, continuous maps of forest...