Catalogue Entry: Adverse climatic periods precede and amplify defoliator-induced tree...
This project aims at linking biotic and climatic stresses and tree mortality in the boreal forest. -
Catalogue Entry: High resolution forest change for Canada (Binary Change/No-change) 1985-2011
High resolution forest change for Canada (Binary Change/No-change) 1985-2011 The forest change data included in this product is national in scope (entire forested ecosystem) and... -
Catalogue Entry: High-resolution binary wetland map for Canada (2001-2016)
High-resolution binary wetland map for Canada (2001-2016). Wetland map for the forested ecosystems of Canada focused on current conditions. The binary wetland data included in... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Significant Wave Height Including Sea Ice Effects 2090-2099 Version 1.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Backshore Slope Version 5.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Marine Shoreline Version 3.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Tidal Range Version 6.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Significant Wave Height Including Sea Ice Effects 1996-2005 Version 1.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Ground Ice Version 1.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Coastal Materials Version 2.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: CanCoast - Change In Sea Level 2006-2020 Version 1.0
CanCoast is a geospatial database of the physical characteristics of Canada's marine coasts. It includes both feature classes that are not expected to change through time, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Percent Above Mean 2015
Forest Percent Above Mean 2015Percentage of first returns above the mean height (%). Represents the canopy cover above mean canopy height. Products relating the structure of... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Gross Stem Volume 2015
Forest Gross Stem Volume 2015Gross stem volume. Individual tree gross volumes are calculated using species-specific allometric equations. In the measured ground plots, gross... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Elevation(Ht) Stddev 2015
Forest Elevation(Ht) Stddev 2015Standard deviation of height of lidar first returns (m). Represents the variability in canopy heights. Products relating the structure of... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Elevation(Ht) Mean 2015
Forest Elevation(Ht) Mean 2015Mean height of lidar first returns (m). Represents the mean canopy height. Products relating the structure of Canada's forested ecosystems have... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Percentage Above 2m 2015
Forest Percentage Above 2m 2015Percentage of first returns above 2 m (%). Represents canopy cover. Products relating the structure of Canada's forested ecosystems have been... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Basal Area 2015
Forest Basal Area 2015Cross-sectional area of tree stems at breast height. The sum of the cross-sectional area (i.e. basal area) of each tree in square metres in a plot, divided... -
Catalogue Entry: Wildfire Year/dNBR/Mask 1985-2015
Wildfire Year/dNBR/Mask 1985-2015Wildfire change magnitude 85-15. Spectral change magnitude for wildfires that occurred from 1985 and 2015. The wildfire change magnitude... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Lorey's Height 2015
Forest Lorey's Height 2015Lorey's mean height. Average height of trees weighted by their basal area (m). Products relating the structure of Canada's forested ecosystems have... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Total Aboveground Biomass 2015
Forest Total Aboveground Biomass 2015Total aboveground biomass. Individual tree total aboveground biomass is calculated using species-specific equations. In the measured ground...