Catalogue Entry: Housing Ownership, 2001 - Percentage of Population Own Dwelling by Census Subdivision
Approximately 66% of households in Canada own their home, compared to approximately 34% of households that rent their dwelling. The highest provincial ownership rates were in... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing Ownership, 2001 - Percentage of Population Rent Dwelling by Census Division
Approximately 66% of households in Canada own their home, compared to approximately 34% of households that rent their dwelling. The highest provincial ownership rates were in... -
Catalogue Entry: Housing Ownership, 2001 - Percentage of Population Rent Dwelling by Census...
Approximately 66% of households in Canada own their home, compared to approximately 34% of households that rent their dwelling. The highest provincial ownership rates were in... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Value of Dwelling, 2006 (by census subdivision)
The average value of a dwelling in Canada was $263 369 according to the 2006 Census an increase of 62% from the 2001 Census average of $162 709. All provinces and territories... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Value of Dwelling, 2006 (by census division)
The average value of a dwelling in Canada was $263 369 according to the 2006 Census an increase of 62% from the 2001 Census average of $162 709. All provinces and territories... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Value of Dwelling, 2001 (by census subdivision)
The average value of a dwelling in Canada was $162 709 according to the 2001 Census, compared to the 1996 Census average of $147 877, an increase of 10%. All provinces and... -
Catalogue Entry: Average Value of Dwelling, 2001 (by census division)
The average value of a dwelling in Canada was $162 709 according to the 2001 Census, compared to the 1996 Census average of $147 877, an increase of 10%. All provinces and... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Widowed (by census division)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Single (by census subdivision)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Single (by census division)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Separated (by census subdivision)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Separated (by census division)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Married (by census subdivision)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Married (by census division)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Divorced (by census subdivision)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada's population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Divorced (by census division)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2006: Widowed (by census subdivision)
In 2006, for the first time in Canadian history, there were more unmarried persons aged 15 years and over than legally married people. Just over one-half of Canada’s population... -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2001: Widowed (by census subdivision)
Marital status refers to a person’s conjugal status. As of May 15, 2001, Canada had 8,371,000 families, up from almost 7,838,000 in 1996. -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2001: Widowed (by census division)
Marital status refers to a person’s conjugal status. As of May 15, 2001, Canada had 8,371,000 families, up from almost 7,838,000 in 1996. -
Catalogue Entry: Marital Status, 2001: Single (by census subdivision)
Marital status refers to a person’s conjugal status. As of May 15, 2001, Canada had 8,371,000 families, up from almost 7,838,000 in 1996.