Catalogue Entry: Surplus or Deficit
Surplus or Deficit 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Statistics on Tax Rebates, Refunds, Credits and Incentives Paid/Issued by...
Report summarizes the number and dollar amount of Tax Rebates, Refunds, Credits and Incentives paid/issued by tax program on a fiscal year basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Surplus or Deficit Per Capita
Surplus or Deficit Per Capita 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Arts and Culture Centres
This file is now publishing through the NL CIMS Open Data Page.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: School Buses by Operator and Model Year
Number of Active School Buses by Model Year/Region and/or Number of School Buses by Model year (broken down by School Board versus Private Operator) in the province.-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Value of Annual Operating Grants provided to CYFS' Community Partners
CYFS provides annual operating grants to various community partners to assist in the delivery of services to children, youth and families. -
Catalogue Entry: Net Debt Per Capita
Net Debt Per Capita 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Number of Children and Youth in Receipt of Behavior Management Services...
Number of Children/Youth in Receipt of Behavior Management Services Provided by CYFS -
Catalogue Entry: Income Support Benefits
Income Support Benefits -
Catalogue Entry: Net Debt
Net Debt 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Adoption Statistics
Number of Finalized Adoptions between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015; number of new Adoptive Placements between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015; number of Approved... -
Catalogue Entry: Access to Information Requests
Listing of departmental general ATIPP requests posted online by year, month, department, request number, summary of request, number of pages, outcome of request, processing fees... -
Catalogue Entry: Mining Companies and Commodities
A listing of mining companies (past and present) in Newfoundland and Labrador complete with production status, relevant mineral commodities, company profiles and contact... -
Catalogue Entry: Mineral Exploration Statistics
Annual statistics associated with mineral exploration in the province, specifically: mineral claims in good standing, mineral claims staked, diamond drilling meterage, mineral...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Detailed Occupation Projections for Newfoundland and Labrador
Data set contains demand, expansion/contraction, attrition and job opening projections for 120 occupation groups for the years 2014, 2018 and 2025. -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Population Metrics
The dataset includes information on population size, demographics, and hunter harvest statistics for managed wildlife species over time. -
Catalogue Entry: Boil Water Advisories
The Department of Government Services and the Department of Health and Community Services are jointly responsible for monitoring the bacteriological quality of public water... -
Catalogue Entry: Stratification of Personal Income Taxfilers by Taxable Income
The source of the data is T1 Personal Income Tax Returns filed with the Canada Revenue Agency. The data is a stratification of taxfilers for NL by taxable income and the amount... -
Catalogue Entry: Top 100 Baby Names
Top 100 Baby Names -
Catalogue Entry: Community to Community Distances
Driving and ferry distance/time between communities.