Catalogue Entry: Electrical Permits Issued
Number of electrical permits issued in the province - monthly by region. -
Catalogue Entry: Surplus or Deficit
Surplus or Deficit 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Statistics on Tax Rebates, Refunds, Credits and Incentives Paid/Issued by...
Report summarizes the number and dollar amount of Tax Rebates, Refunds, Credits and Incentives paid/issued by tax program on a fiscal year basis. -
Catalogue Entry: Surplus or Deficit Per Capita
Surplus or Deficit Per Capita 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Net Debt Per Capita
Net Debt Per Capita 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Net Debt
Net Debt 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Access to Information Requests
Listing of departmental general ATIPP requests posted online by year, month, department, request number, summary of request, number of pages, outcome of request, processing fees... -
Catalogue Entry: Detailed Occupation Projections for Newfoundland and Labrador
Data set contains demand, expansion/contraction, attrition and job opening projections for 120 occupation groups for the years 2014, 2018 and 2025. -
Catalogue Entry: Wildlife Population Metrics
The dataset includes information on population size, demographics, and hunter harvest statistics for managed wildlife species over time. -
Catalogue Entry: Stratification of Personal Income Taxfilers by Taxable Income
The source of the data is T1 Personal Income Tax Returns filed with the Canada Revenue Agency. The data is a stratification of taxfilers for NL by taxable income and the amount... -
Catalogue Entry: Top 100 Baby Names
Top 100 Baby Names -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial Vehicles Weighed
Number of vehicle weighed by fixed Weigh Scale location - by fiscal year. -
Catalogue Entry: Births, Marriages and Deaths 2010-2016
Number of births, marriages and deaths in the province between 2010 and 2016, inclusive. -
Catalogue Entry: Surplus or Deficit as % of GDP
Surplus or Deficit as a Percent of GDP 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Expenses
Expenses 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Conviction Statistics - Motor Registration Division
Number of moving violation convictions by fiscal year as retained in the Motor Registartion database -
Catalogue Entry: Revenue Per Capita
Revenue Per Capita 1994-95 to 2022-23 -
Catalogue Entry: Motor Registration Division Suspensions
Motor Registration Driver Licence suspensions by type and region - 2015