Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Highway Inventory 2017
An accurate depiction of road structure construction history of the Highway Network in Manitoba. Manitoba Infrastructure --> Highway Engineering--> Highway Planning and... -
Catalogue Entry: Naloxone Distributors Take Home Program
Feature point layer showing locations of distributors participating in the Naloxone Take Home Program in Manitoba. This feature point layer shows the locations of distributors... -
Catalogue Entry: School Locations of Manitoba
This is a spatial dataset of the school locations within the province of Manitoba. This point layer shows the locations of Manitoba schools, as per Manitoba Education on... -
Catalogue Entry: Multi Year Investment Strategy
This is the 5 year investment plan for Manitoba Highway and Infrastructure Capital Projects. This dataset will show all the proposed infrastructure projects for the next 5... -
Catalogue Entry: NEF Area1and2 Polys Wpg
This the data for the Winnipeg AVPA Regulation's interactive web map. It contains two polygon datasets that help users determine whether a property is affected by requirements... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Solid Waste Sites
Feature layer of solid waste sites and waste transfer stations registered with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Support (WRARS) Program as well as First Nations landfills.... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Fish Sheds
Feature layer of Fish Shed locations (Fish Packing Stations) across Manitoba. This feature layer - which is used in the Manitoba Commercial Fishing Industry Map and the Manitoba... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Waterways Lines
This line and polygon dataset was created to provide a record of the designated Provincial Waterways in Manitoba. This database contains lines and polygons showing the locations... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Parks - Winter Trails and Recreation Areas
Point feature layer showing the locations of winter trail and recreation areas in Manitoba's provincial parks. Point feature layer showing the locations of winter trail and... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Original Survey Legal Descriptions
Feature layer depicting the centre of quarter sections, parish lots and others in Manitoba. The purpose of this layer is to provide search criteria for Manitoba legal... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Health Districts
RHA Districts are geographic areas that are used to define populations and catchment areas for the administration and delivery of health services. This file provides RHA... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Waterways Lines
This line dataset was created to provide a record of the designated Provincial Waterways in Manitoba. This database contains lines showing the locations of provincial waterways,... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Forest Section Boundaries for the 2016-2021 Five Year Report on the...
Manitoba forest section boundaries for the 2016-2021 Five Year Report on the Status of Forestry. Manitoba forest section boundaries for the 2016-2021 Five Year Report on the... -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Near-Urban Centrefire Prohibition Area
The purpose of this dataset is to show the Near-Urban Centrefire Prohibition Area (NUCPA) in Manitoba. The Near-Urban Centrefire Prohibition Area (NUCPA) is a provincially-... -
Catalogue Entry: Current BWA PWS
Updated 2024-09-20. Feature layer of current Boil Water Advisories issued for Public Water Systems (PWS) in Manitoba. Feature layer of current Boil Water Advisories issued for... -
Catalogue Entry: Watershed Subdistricts
The purpose of this dataset is to provide the public with the areal extents of the watershed sub districts in Manitoba. The Watershed Districts Act, proclaimed on January 1,... -
Catalogue Entry: Slaughterhouses and processing plants
This table contains data on food processing facilities in the province. This table, created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture, contains... -
Catalogue Entry: Registered Flu and COVID Providers
Registered vaccine distribution locations for the Flu and COVID-19 season that will appear on the Vaccine Provider App. -
Catalogue Entry: Manitoba Forest Management License Areas (FML) – Version 4
Manitoba's Forest Management Licence Area (FML) Boundaries – Version 4. The Forest Act provides for the establishment of Forest Management Licences to provide a continuous... -
Catalogue Entry: MUNICIPALITY
The purpose is to provide end users with a digital data representing the boundaries of incorporated municipalities in Manitoba. It also enables users of Manitoba spatial data to...