Catalogue Entry: Greenbelt towns and villages
General information on the location of towns and villages (settlement areas) in the countryside areas protected by Greenbelt plan. For precise boundaries and locations of... -
Catalogue Entry: Minor urban centres in the Niagara Escarpment Plan
Minor urban center is one of the 7 Niagara Escarpment Plan land use designations. This designation includes rural settlements, villages and hamlets. The boundaries of minor... -
Catalogue Entry: Ecological land classification
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry defines ecological units on the basis of bedrock, climate (temperature, precipitation), physiography(soils, slope, aspect) and... -
Catalogue Entry: Greenbelt outer boundary
To identify the Greenbelt Area as defined by the Greenbelt Act, 2005. The outer boundaries of Greenbelt area includes the lands within: * Niagara Escarpment Plan * Oak Ridges... -
Catalogue Entry: Provincially licensed dairy plants
Get the locations of dairy plants registered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The intended use of this data is to assist the public and ministry... -
Catalogue Entry: Nursing station locations
This file contains geographic information on the locations of nursing stations that fall under the Underserviced Area Program (UAP) of the Northern Health Programs (NHP). The... -
Catalogue Entry: Fish Culture Operation, Ministry of Natural Resources
Fish Culture Operation MNR identifies the locations of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) fish culture stations (or hatcheries) and sub- stations. The data set... -
Catalogue Entry: Cadastral Location
Often these parcels were surveyed before township surveys in their area. They may also be supplemental to them (as is the case with some Cadastral Islands). Sometimes these were... -
Catalogue Entry: Waste Management Attenuation Zone
A "contaminant attenuation zone" is a three-dimensional zone that is, * located on land adjacent to a landfilling site, * in the subservice or extends into the subsurface, and *... -
Catalogue Entry: 1978 Forest Resource Inventory, Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry,...
This data layer contains individual forest stand level information for the Kemptville District, including: * working group (meaning a grouping of stands with the same...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Retirement Home locations
Geographic information on the location of retirement homes in Ontario. -
Catalogue Entry: Aquatic ecosystem classification for Ontario (AEC)
The aquatic ecosystem classification (AEC) is a science-based tool that groups and classifies Ontario’s rivers and streams based on their: * physical attributes, such as water...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: St. Lawrence Basin watersheds
Data includes: * The Lake Superior watershed * The Lake Huron watershed * The Lake Erie watershed * The Lake Ontario watershed * The St. Lawrence River watershed -
Catalogue Entry: Agricultural resource inventory
The Agricultural Resource Inventory 1983 (ARI 1983) dataset includes agricultural land use and drainage systems information. This dataset evaluates the mix of crops and... -
Catalogue Entry: Restricted Fire Zone
Get data on areas where outdoor fires are not permitted. This dataset shows areas where outdoor fires are restricted in accordance with the Forest Fires Prevention Act. There... -
Catalogue Entry: Greenbelt specialty crop areas
The locations of the 2 specialty crop areas in the Greenbelt Plan: * the Holland Marsh * Niagara Peninsula Tender Fruit and Grape Lands -
Catalogue Entry: Abandoned airports
This layer is derived from data provided by Nav Canada. This layer should not be used for navigation purposes. Official LIO title: Airport Other -
Catalogue Entry: Commercial Vehicle Survey Data (Commercial vehicle flows assigned to road network)
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It includes the basic commercial...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Provincial Satellite Derived Disturbance Mapping
The data layer identifies areas of disturbance to vegetation including burns, commercial forestry harvesting (cuts), weather events, infrastructure and pest/disease.... -
Catalogue Entry: Ontario Land Cover Version 1.0
Ontario Land Cover (OLC) is a primary data layer. It provides a comprehensive, standardized, landscape level inventory of Ontario’s natural, rural and anthropogenic (human made)...-
File available for download in the following formats: