Catalogue Entry: What we heard: Consultations on the policy on Listeria monocytogenes in...
Health Canada's Listeria policy is an important tool used to help prevent the introduction of the illness-causing bacteria, L. monocytogenes, into ready-to-eat foods that are...-
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Catalogue Entry: Food Processing Aids
This section provides information on processing aids and their use in Canada.-
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Catalogue Entry: Tree Nuts - Priority food allergens
In Canada, the priority food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts), sesame...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Use Of Food Allergen Precautionary Statements On Prepackaged Foods
Health Canada's policy for enhancing the protection of food-allergic consumers in Canada is based on two guiding principles: prevent the inadvertent consumption of undeclared...-
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Catalogue Entry: Food Additives e-Notice
Join Health Canada's Food Additives e-Notice, a free service to stay on top of issued advice as well as regulatory and scientific developments in the area of food additives in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Allergen Detection Methods - The Compendium of Food Allergen Methodologies
With the emergence of several allergen detection methodologies, there was a need to adopt a consistent approach to evaluate/validate these methods, if they are to be used in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Wheat & Triticale - Priority food allergens
In Canada, the priority food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts), sesame...-
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Catalogue Entry: Whole Algal Flour to be used as a partial replacement for cream, milk,...
In 2014, Health Canada received a submission to allow the sale of Whole Algal Flour to be used as a partial replacement for cream, milk, eggs/egg yolks and butter/shortening in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Acrylamide in food
Acrylamide is a chemical that can form from naturally present compounds in starchy foods during high-temperature processing or cooking (for example, baking, frying, roasting)....-
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Catalogue Entry: Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) List of Formulants
This dataset contains a list of formulants that are found in pest control products currently registered in Canada under the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations. This list...