Catalogue Entry: Acrylonitrile - P2 Notice
This notice applied to owners of facilities that manufactured synthetic rubber using acrylonitrile which resulted in releases of acrylonitrile to the environment. This notice... -
Catalogue Entry: The ensemble of CMIP6 daily predictor variables for statistical downscaling
One of the ways of obtaining local-scale climate change scenarios is to use regression-based statistical downscaling of GCMs. In this approach, an empirical relationship between... -
Catalogue Entry: Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations Data
The Pulp & Paper Effluent Regulations (PPER) were published in 1992 pursuant to the Fisheries Act to control effluent discharges and reduce the impacts of effluents on fish...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Stanley Park Winter Waterbird Surveys, British Columbia, Canada (1995-2019)
The Stanley Park Winter Waterbird Survey, 1995-2019, was made possible through a co-operative effort between Environment and Climate Change Canada, the British Columbia...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Field data for the mapping of the Boucherville Islands sector’s wetlands...
Observations on various types of wetlands, terrestrial environments, and vascular plants for 55 sites visited in 2012 and located in in the Boucherville Islands are included in... -
Catalogue Entry: Statistically downscaled climate indices
High-resolution statistically downscaled climate indices relevant to climate change impacts in Canada are available at a 10 km spatial resolution and an annual temporal... -
Catalogue Entry: Hydrometric Monitoring, Oil Sands Region
This site provides public access to real-time hydrometric data collected at over 1800 locations and access to historical data collected at over 7600 stations (active and... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study
The Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study (PAC2001) was conducted from 1 August to 31 September, 2001 in the Lower Fraser Valley (LFV), British Columbia, Canada. The study consisted of... -
Catalogue Entry: Surface Water Quantity and Sediment Transport
Water level and discharge data are available from Water Survey of Canada’s Hydrometric Network. The Water Survey of Canada (WSC) is the national authority responsible for the... -
Catalogue Entry: Saint Lawrence River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data
Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for over 40 sites in the St. Lawrence River basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other... -
Catalogue Entry: North American Breeding Bird Survey: Population trends and annual indices...
Population trend estimates based on data collected through the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), for approximately 300 Canadian bird species. The trend results are...-
File available for download in the following formats:
Catalogue Entry: Canada's Changing Climate report supplemental datasets
The Canada’s Changing Climate Report (www.changingclimate.ca/CCCR2019), led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, is about how and why Canada’s climate has changed and what... -
Catalogue Entry: Chronic toxicity of azo and anthracenedione dyes to embryo-larval life...
Synthetic dyes are extensively used in many industrial and consumer products, including paper productions, leather tanning, food colouring, personal care products (examples... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias fannini) Potential Area of...
This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple... -
Catalogue Entry: Climate Data Products
Climate Data Products at Environment Canada comprise of four different datasets: Almanac Averages and Extremes, Monthly Climate Summaries, Canadian Climate Normals, and Canadian... -
Catalogue Entry: Environment Canada Sediment Data, 1901-
Provides public access to archived sediment data daily loads, daily concentration, instantaneous concentration for stations of interest using search criteria. The sediment... -
Catalogue Entry: Special Studies of Atmospheric Gases, Particles and Precipitation Chemistry
The Special Studies presented on this site are special measurement campaigns (with durations of several weeks to several years) carried out by the Air Quality Research Division... -
Catalogue Entry: Important Areas For Birds In Nunavut 2012
This dataset contains a compilation of Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, National Wildlife Areas, Key Terrestrial Sites, Key Marine Sites, Important Bird Areas, RAMSAR Wetlands, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Open Government Implementation Plan - Environment Canada
This document describes Environment Canada’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve... -
Catalogue Entry: Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals in...
The bioaccumulation of a broad range of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals (PPCPs) was studied in Cootes Paradise Marsh (CPM), an urban wetland that receives...