Catalogue Entry: Cause-Effect Assessment Monitoring
Data on location and timing of surveys, ecological descriptions, environmental attributes wind, weather etc , bird observations point count data, species at risk playback data ,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada's Changing Climate report supplemental datasets
The Canada’s Changing Climate Report (www.changingclimate.ca/CCCR2019), led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, is about how and why Canada’s climate has changed and what... -
Catalogue Entry: Chronic toxicity of azo and anthracenedione dyes to embryo-larval life...
Synthetic dyes are extensively used in many industrial and consumer products, including paper productions, leather tanning, food colouring, personal care products (examples... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias fannini) Potential Area of...
This file includes the spatial boundaries for the Pacific Great Blue Heron Potential Area of Occupancy for its entire Canadian range. The Potential Area of Occupancy is a simple... -
Catalogue Entry: Releases of Harmful Substances to the Environment – Releases of cadmium to...
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Ice bulletins
These daily forecasts describe the ice edge using latitude and longitude coordinates and for each marine area, the total ice concentration, the predominant ice stage of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Climate Data Products
Climate Data Products at Environment Canada comprise of four different datasets: Almanac Averages and Extremes, Monthly Climate Summaries, Canadian Climate Normals, and Canadian... -
Catalogue Entry: Environment Canada Sediment Data, 1901-
Provides public access to archived sediment data daily loads, daily concentration, instantaneous concentration for stations of interest using search criteria. The sediment... -
Catalogue Entry: Special Studies of Atmospheric Gases, Particles and Precipitation Chemistry
The Special Studies presented on this site are special measurement campaigns (with durations of several weeks to several years) carried out by the Air Quality Research Division... -
Catalogue Entry: Important Areas For Birds In Nunavut 2012
This dataset contains a compilation of Migratory Bird Sanctuaries, National Wildlife Areas, Key Terrestrial Sites, Key Marine Sites, Important Bird Areas, RAMSAR Wetlands, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Open Government Implementation Plan - Environment Canada
This document describes Environment Canada’s plan to complete activities and deliverables aligned to the requirements of the Directive on Open Government, in order to achieve... -
Catalogue Entry: Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals in...
The bioaccumulation of a broad range of pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals (PPCPs) was studied in Cootes Paradise Marsh (CPM), an urban wetland that receives... -
Catalogue Entry: Numerical Weather Prediction NWP
The Canadian Meteorological Centre CMC produces Numerical Weather Prediction NWP as one of the key inputs to the Meteorological Service of Canada's overall public weather and... -
Catalogue Entry: Protected Habitat Indicators - Protected area by IUCN category, Canada, 2013
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators CESI program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The... -
Catalogue Entry: Mercury in lake sediment cores of eastern and northern Canada
Recent and historical deposition of mercury (Hg) are examined over a broad geographic area from southwestern Northwest Territories to Labrador and from the U.S. Northeast to... -
Catalogue Entry: Historic mercury and heavy metal deposition across Canada reconstructed from...
Lake sediment cores were collected from several locations in Canada as part of the historic mercury and heavy metal deposition trend, analysis, and research component of the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Effects of multi-well plate incubation on embryo-larval development in the...
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) embryos and larvae are frequently used in toxicology, including short-term embryo-only tests which often use small volumes of test solution.... -
Catalogue Entry: Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias fannini) Conservation Regions,...
This spatial file includes the polygon boundaries of the four Pacific Great Blue Heron Conservation Regions in British Columbia, as described in the management plan. These... -
Catalogue Entry: Pollution Prevention Planning Notices
Pollution Prevention (P2) Planning Notices published in the Canada Gazette under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) legally require persons subject to the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ice Thickness Program Collection
The Ice Thickness Program Collection contains ice thickness and snow depth measurements for 195 sites. Sites such as Eureka and Resolute have ice thickness records that go as...-
File available for download in the following formats:
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