Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Quality Surveillance Data – Pacific Basin
Contaminants surveillance data in freshwater at sites in the Pacific Basin are included in this dataset. Measurements may include physical-chemical parameters such as... -
Catalogue Entry: Lower Mackenzie River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data - Canada's North
Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for over 19 sites in the Lower Mackenzie River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other... -
Catalogue Entry: Pan Am 2015 Study
Systematic air quality measurements were made in the study region of Toronto during the 2015 Pan-Am games (July 14th – July 29th). These measurements were done using the mobile...-
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Catalogue Entry: Alert, Nunavut - Ground Level Ozone Study
Ground level ozone (GLO3) was measured at the Alert, Nunavut research station (82º28’N, 62º30’W) from 31 December 1991 to 31 December 2003. These measurements were conducted to:...-
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Catalogue Entry: Borden Forest Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide Dry Deposition Study
These data are associated with the following two publications: Zhiyong Wu, Staebler R., Vet R., and Zhang L. (2016), Dry deposition of O3 and SO2 estimated from gradient...-
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Catalogue Entry: Environment and Climate Change Canada List of 2015 Peer-reviewed Scientific...
Citation information for scientific and technical articles published in 2015 co-authored by Environment Canada researchers. The structure of this publication list utilizes the... -
Catalogue Entry: Environment Canada Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Database
Evaluation and characterization of physical properties, chemical composition and behavior of petroleum products is crucial to predict environmental behaviour in the event of... -
Catalogue Entry: Peace - Athabasca River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data
Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for over five sites in the Peace - Athabasca River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Inventory and Surveillance of Mercury: Water Quality Data
Annual freshwater quality monitoring data for 20 lakes across Canada. Parameters include total mercury, methylmercury, pH, alkalinity, specific conductance, colour, chlorophyll,... -
Catalogue Entry: North Saskatchewan River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data
Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for three sites in the North Saskatchewan River basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other... -
Catalogue Entry: North American Breeding Bird Survey: Population trend and annual indices for...
Population trend estimates based on data collected through the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), for approximately 300 Canadian bird species. The trend results are... -
Catalogue Entry: Forest Interior Bird Survey
The Forest Bird Monitoring Program (FBMP) has been conducted annually in Ontario since 1987, by Environment Canada's Canadian Wildlife Service (Ontario Region).Each year,... -
Catalogue Entry: Field data for the mapping of the Lake St. Pierre wetlands (St. Lawrence River), 2012
Observations on various types of wetlands, terrestrial environments, and vascular plants for 102 sites visited in 2012 and located on Lake Saint-Pierre are included in this... -
Catalogue Entry: Freshwater Inventory and Surveillance of Mercury: Sediment Quality Data
Sediment quality data for 20 lakes across Canada. Parameters include total mercury, methylmercury, sulfate, inorganic and organic carbon, nitrogen, and total recoverable metals.... -
Catalogue Entry: South Saskatchewan River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data
Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for six sites in the South Saskatchewan River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other... -
Catalogue Entry: Great Lakes Basin (GLB) Monitoring and Surveillance
The Great Lakes Basin (GLB) Monitoring and Surveillance program under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has been operating... -
Catalogue Entry: Mount Sutton, Quebec - Ground Level Ozone Study
Ground level ozone and meteorological parameters were measured at the Mount Sutton research site from October 1986-June 2008. The main objectives of these measurements were: to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shale Petroleum Extraction Emission Characterization (SPEECH) Study
In October and November 2015, ground-based air measurements of pollutants were made from two mobile laboratories in southeast Saskatchewan in an area within a 50 km radius of...-
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Catalogue Entry: Pollutant Transformation, Ground-based Pollutant Monitoring Multi Parameters...
Long Term Air Pollutant and Meteorological Monitoring at Fort McKay’s Oski-ôtin site: Validated data Continuous monitoring of multiple air pollutants along with meteorological...-
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Catalogue Entry: Lower Saskatchewan - Nelson River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data
Les données de monitoring de la qualité de l'eau pour trois sites dans le bassin des rivières Nelson et de la basse Saskatchewan pour les 15 dernières années ou plus pour les...