Catalogue Entry: Fixed gear sentinel fisheries program - northern Gulf of St. Lawrence
In place since 1994 in eastern Canada, the sentinel fisheries program is the result of a collaboration between Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and commercial fishermen. Under... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern marine coastal and ecosystem studies in the Canadian Beaufort...
The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place... -
Catalogue Entry: Evaluation of groundfish and shrimp annual multidisciplinary survey in the...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) conducts an annual multidisciplinary scientific survey with a bottom trawl in the Estuary and the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence since 1978.... -
Catalogue Entry: Northeast Pacific Monthly-Mean Ocean Current Climatology (April - September)
This dataset provides 1/36-degree monthly-mean ocean current climatology (April - September) in the Northeast Pacific. The climatological fields are derived from hourly ocean... -
Catalogue Entry: Species abundance in geological pockmark features in Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay...
Between 2001 and 2004 a descriptive and comparative investigation of the benthic macro-infauna in 17 pockmarks and 10 reference locations outside pockmarks in Passamaquoddy Bay-... -
Catalogue Entry: Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP) data for the Southern Gulf of...
Each summer, environmental community groups collect important data to determine if groupings of fish, shrimp and crab – what is called a community- can be used as an indicator... -
Catalogue Entry: Northwestern Ontario Lake Size Series (NOLSS) lakes- water chemistry data.
This dataset includes water chemistry data collected from five of the six lakes as part of the Northwestern Ontario Size Series project in 1987 and 1990 including species of... -
Catalogue Entry: Mean fork length of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from 1971-2021
Mean fork length for returning adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that spent one or two years (1SW and 2SW, respectively) in the marine environment for 16 rivers throughout... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Marine Coastal and Ecosystem Studies in the Canadian Beaufort Sea-...
This record contains results from chemical analysis including suspended nitrogen (mg/g), suspended carbon (mg/g), and phosphorus (mg/g) based on dry weight sediment samples... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Marine Coastal and Ecosystem Studies in the Canadian Beaufort Sea-...
This record contains information on the samples collected and the intended parameters for analysis from sediment cores collected as part of this project including bacteria,... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Marine Coastal and Ecosystem Studies in the Canadian Beaufort...
The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place... -
Catalogue Entry: Northern Marine Coastal and Ecosystem Studies in the Canadian Beaufort Sea-...
This record contains results from stable isotope analysis of sediment samples including δ 13C (‰), δ 15N (‰), total N and total C collected in the Beaufort Sea. -
Catalogue Entry: Northern marine coastal and ecosystem studies in the Canadian Beaufort...
The objective of this project was to gather data to develop a model of the food web of the lower trophic levels of the nearshore area of the Beaufort Sea. Sampling took place... -
Catalogue Entry: Port of Saint John intertidal water level and temperature (2020-2022)
The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program is a multi-year Fisheries and Oceans Canada initiative designed to work with Indigenous and local communities and other key parties to... -
Catalogue Entry: Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Conservation Units, Sites & Status
A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an... -
Catalogue Entry: Satellite derived surface chlorophyll-a and suspended particulate matter in...
This dataset accompanies the open access article "Improving satellite chlorophyll-a retrieval in the turbid waters of the Bay of Fundy, Canada" published in Estuaries and Coasts... -
Catalogue Entry: Southern British Columbia Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)...
A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an... -
Catalogue Entry: Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Conservation Units, Sites & Status
A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an... -
Catalogue Entry: Even Year Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Conservation Units, Sites & Status
A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an... -
Catalogue Entry: Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Conservation Units, Sites & Status
A Conservation Unit (CU) is a group of wild Pacific salmon sufficiently isolated from other groups that, if extirpated, is very unlikely to recolonize naturally within an...