Catalogue Entry: Seasonal Climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone from...
Description: Seasonal climatologies of the Canadian Pacific Exclusive Economic Zone (CPEEZ) were computed from a numerical simulation of the British Columbia continental margin... -
Catalogue Entry: Arctic Krill (T. raschii) maximum annual density
The St. Lawrence Estuary is known as a summer foraging area for several species of marine mammals, including several species of rorquals. Among these is the blue whale, which... -
Catalogue Entry: Depth-attenuated relative wave exposure indices for Pacific Canada
This dataset includes five depth-attenuated relative wave exposure index layers in raster format. Relative Exposure Index (REI) values are calculated based on effective fetch... -
Catalogue Entry: Seasonal Zooplankton Climatologies of the British Columbia Exclusive...
Description: Seasonal climatologies for Zooplankton biomass in seven size categories were calculated for the period 1990-2019. The data used were a subset of the Fisheries and... -
Catalogue Entry: Predicted distributions of 65 groundfish species in Canadian Pacific waters
Description: This dataset contains layers of predicted occurrence for 65 groundfish species as well as overall species richness (i.e., the total number of species present) in...