Catalogue Entry: List of heavy plate and stainless steel wire allocation holders Quota period 3
List of heavy plate and stainless steel wire allocation holders.-
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Catalogue Entry: Key dates & access quantities: Non – supply-managed goods
Key dates & access quantities: Non – supply-managed goods-
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Catalogue Entry: Message to On-Line Brokers New Cancellation Procedures for Agriculture,...
Brokers are advised that, effective immediately, all requests for cancellation of permits for released Agriculture, Steel, Textiles and Clothing shipments are to be submitted by...-
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Catalogue Entry: (Updated) Notice to Brokers using the Export Import Control System (EICS) -...
On July 11, the Trade and Export Controls Bureau at Global Affairs Canada (GAC) launched an updated version of the Export Import Control System (EICS), New EICS.-
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Catalogue Entry: Quota Period 1: Heavy Plate and Stainless Steel Wire Allocation Holders
Quota Period 1: Heavy Plate and Stainless Steel Wire Allocation Holders.-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Exporters Export Controls to the Democratic People's Republic of...
This Notice is to advise exporters that, pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act, the Government of Canada has added the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North...-
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Catalogue Entry: Regulation - Order issuing General Export Permit No. 46
On January 14, 2013, the Government of Canada concluded the regulatory process issuing General Export Permit No. 46 – Cryptography for Use by Certain Consignees (GEP 46). As a...-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Exporters General Export Permit – Cryptography for the Development...
The purpose of this Notice is to advise exporters that, pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has issued a General Export Permit (GEP)...-
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Catalogue Entry: Export and Import Controls System (EICS) North American Free Trade Agreement
Exports to the U.S. and Exports to Mexico-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Exporters Serial No. 142 Annex I - Notice Form for Authorizing...
Notice of Authorization of Canadian Customs Brokers to Transfer NAFTA Tariff Preference Level; and, Authorization to Release EICB's Tariff Preference Level Transaction...-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Importers Specialty Creams (Item 117.1 on the Import Control...
Imports of specialty creams , namely sterilized creams, minimum 23% butterfat, in cans of a volume not exceeding 200 ml., are subject to import controls under Canada’s Export...-
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Catalogue Entry: New Notice to Importers: Beef and Veal for 2015 - Serial No. 867
The 2015 Beef and Veal Notice to Importers (No. 867) setting out the regulations, policies and practices pertaining to the administration of Canada’s beef and veal tariff rate...-
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Catalogue Entry: Report to Parliament on the Government of Canada's International Assistance
Volume 1 of the Report to Parliament on the Government of Canada’s International Assistance 2020-2021 provides information required pursuant to the Official Development...-
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Catalogue Entry: Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Standing Committee on...
Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE) on Canada’s diplomatic capacity on February 7, 2024.-
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Catalogue Entry: Risk-Based Audit Plan
The Treasury Board of Canada Policy on Internal Audit seeks to contribute to the improvement of public sector management by ensuring a strong, credible, effective and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Importers Turkey and Turkey Products - Supplemental Imports (Items...
In Brief Imports of turkey and turkey products into Canada are subject to import controls under Canada’s Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA). Accordingly, an import permit is...-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Exporters: Peanut Butter for Export to the United States
This Notice to Exporters sets out the policies and practices pertaining to the administration of the peanut butter export quota, including the allocation, under-utilization,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Notice to Exporters Peanut Butter for Export to the United States (Item 5201...
In Brief The United States administers a global tariff rate quota (TRQ) for imports of peanut butter. The quota year extends from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. Canadian...-
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Catalogue Entry: Monthly Summary Export Report - Peanut Butter
Monthly Summary Export Report - Peanut Butter.-
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Catalogue Entry: WTO Turkey and Turkey Products TRQ - Serial No. 989
WTO Turkey and Turkey Products TRQ-
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