Catalogue Entry: Formative evaluation of the Elsie initiative for women in peace operations –...
The executive summary provides findings and recommendations from a formative evaluation of the pilot phase of the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations. The Initiative...-
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Catalogue Entry: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Senate Committee on...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs appeared before the Senate Standing Committee Foreign Affairs and International Trade on May 10th, 2023.-
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Catalogue Entry: G7 Rapid Response Mechanism Annual Report
Global Affairs Canada’s Rapid Response Mechanism Canada (RRM Canada) team serves as a permanent secretariat for the G7 Rapid Response Mechanism (G7 RRM). RRM Canada prepared...-
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Catalogue Entry: Global Affairs Canada Accessibility Action Plan
The Global Affairs Canada Accessibility Action Plan from 2022 to 2025 was developed pursuant to the Accessible Canada Act with the aim to remove and prevent barriers to persons...-
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Catalogue Entry: Global Affairs Canada Policy on Research and Scientific Integrity
The objectives of this Policy are to: Foster a culture that supports and promotes scientific integrity in the design, conduct, management, review and communication of research,...-
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Catalogue Entry: Flight PS752: The long road to transparency, accountability and justice
On December 15, 2020, Mr. Goodale released his report "Flight PS752: The long road to transparency, accountability and justice". It examines what happened to PS752 and provides...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752: Factual Analysis
Since the downing, significant questions have remained surrounding the circumstances and causes of the tragedy. Gaps in knowledge continue to exist, and to date, the Government...-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada-Mexico Partnership - Annual Report
The Canada-Mexico Partnership annual reports highlight the work and progress of this important mechanism over the period and outlines its goals for the year ahead.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada-Mexico Action Plan
The Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico have committed themselves to renew a relationship that draws on the diverse strengths of all citizens, putting their...-
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Catalogue Entry: The Canada-Mexico Partnership
Canada and Mexico share a dynamic and prosperous relationship: as friends, as North American neighbours, and as strategic partners in the Americas and in the world. Over the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and...
The Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development appeared before the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade...-
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Catalogue Entry: Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Standing Committee on...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs appearance before the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs & International Development (FAAE) On Main Estimates on May 4, 2023.-
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Catalogue Entry: Progress Report - Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security...
Outlines the activities that participating Government of Canada departments will undertake to meet Canada's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.-
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Catalogue Entry: Progress Report - Global Affiars Canada departmental progress report for...
Outlines the activities that participating Government of Canada departments will undertake to meet Canada's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.-
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Catalogue Entry: Global Affairs Canada implementation of Canada’s National Action Plan on...
Outlines the activities that participating Government of Canada departments will undertake to meet Canada's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada's Action Plan for the Implementation of United Nations Security...
Reporting under Canada's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.-
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Catalogue Entry: Annual Summary Progress Report – Canada’s National Action Plan for the...
This annual report on Canada's implementation of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (C-NAP) is a central aspect of C-NAP’s accountability framework.-
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Catalogue Entry: Progress Report – Canada’s National Action Plan for the Implementation of...
Outlines the activities that participating Government of Canada departments will undertake to meet Canada's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.-
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Catalogue Entry: Love from Canada is felt in Guatemala
The Embassy of Canada to Guatemala commemorated its Canada Day by sharing with those most affected by the COVID-19 emergency.-
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Catalogue Entry: Canada Fund empowers women to build back better in Guatemala
The Embassy of Canada in Guatemala collaborated with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to implement a Canada Fund project. The project helped 7...-
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