Catalogue Entry: Comparing Federal Men Admissions and Custody Profiles: 2020-21
Statistics Population profiles of federally sentenced men will yield different pictures depending on whether they are based on admissions drawn over a period time or an in-...-
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Catalogue Entry: Ethnocultural Offenders in Federal Custody: Population Trends
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has an ethnoculturally diverse offender population. Study 1 of a three-part study examined diversity trends over an 11-year period in...-
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Catalogue Entry: Shifting Age Structure in Federal Custody: 2009-10 and 2019-20
The age structure of an incarcerated population establishes potential for future growth of specific age groups, as well as the total in-custody population. Younger inmates...-
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Catalogue Entry: Major Offence and Sentences of Federal Offenders in Custody: 2020
Indigenous men and women are serving more sentences in federal custody for violent offences than non-Indigenous.-
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Catalogue Entry: Indigenous Federal Admissions and Release: 2000-01 to 2019-20
Over the past twenty years, there has been a steady increase in the number of Indigenous offenders under federal jurisdiction [from 3,058 at year-end in 2000-01 to 6,027 in...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2021-22 Departmental Results Report
This report features the results achieved by CSC, and informs Canadians of the work undertaken to rehabilitate and safely reintegrate offenders back into communities while...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2011-2012 Departmental Performance Report (DPR)
CSC achieves its public safety goals by effectively managing institutions of different security levels, supervising offenders on various forms of conditional release, and...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2012-13 Departmental Performance Report
This report features the results achieved by CSC, and informs Canadians of the work undertaken to rehabilitate and safely reintegrate offenders back into communities while...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2013-14 Departmental Performance Report
CSC’s correctional programs continue to show positive results, including high enrolment rates and measurable improvements in the skills offenders learn. Results from CORCAN’s...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2014–15 Departmental Performance Report
This report accounts for the performance of this agency during the fiscal year against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in CSC's prior Report on Plans and...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2015–16 Departmental Performance Report
The DPR lays out CSC's performance during the fiscal year against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP). This report...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2016–17 Departmental Results Report
The DRR lays out CSC's performance during the fiscal year against the plans, priorities and expected results set out in the Departmental Plan. It communicates to Canadians what...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2017-18 Departmental Results Report
The DRR outlines CSC’s performance during this past fiscal year against the plans, priorities and expected results identified in the Departmental Plan. It explains the work we...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2018-19 Departmental Results Report
The DRR outlines CSC's performance during this past fiscal year against the plans, priorities and expected results identified in the Departmental Plan. It is an important means...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2019-20 Departmental Results Report
This report highlights the results that CSC has achieved over the past year and informs Canadians of the work being done to ensure the federal correctional system is...-
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Catalogue Entry: 2020-21 Departmental Results Report
This report highlights CSC’s operational results and achievements, which is essential in keeping Canadians informed, and in ensuring a just and accountable federal correctional...-
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Catalogue Entry: CSC's Mandate
CSC’s Mandate is to contribute to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and...-
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Catalogue Entry: Transparency
The Government of Canada has implemented a series of measures to strengthen public sector management by enhancing transparency and oversight of public resources in the federal...-
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Catalogue Entry: Institutional profiles: Quebec region: Regional Mental Health Centre
The Regional Mental Health Centre is in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec. It is a multi-level security facility. It shares a property with Archambault Institution, and the...-
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Catalogue Entry: Institutional profiles: Quebec region
The Quebec Region operates 10 institutions (nine for men and one for women).-
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