Catalogue Entry: Study on concepts and Business Models for a Network of Incubators supporting...
This Doyletech Corporation study, commissioned by the Canadian Space Agency, presents the concept of a network of incubators in support of space activities. The goal of this...-
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Catalogue Entry: Evaluation of the RADARSAT-2 Major Crown Project
This publication has been archived. This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the RADARSAT-2 Major Crown Project (MCP). The evaluation was undertaken to respond to...-
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Catalogue Entry: Management Action Plans Follow-up for evaluation - Annual Report as at March 31, 2011
(2011) This follow-up report on the implementation of management action plans concludes the program evaluation and outlines the measures taken by the various entities concerned...-
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Catalogue Entry: Evaluation of the STDP for the Period of 2002/03 to 2007/08
This report presents the findings of the summative evaluation of the Space Technology Development Program (STDP) for the period of fiscal year 2002/03 to fiscal year 2007/08....-
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